Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,210

At that moment, the woman leaned back in a fake orgasm as a herd of piglets ran squealing from under her skirt, running around the stage. The males playing Knox’s men ran around the stage trying to catch them.

Rage began to pulse through me, and I could see from the corner of my eye that Knox was gauging my reaction. I would not let these pathetic people know how much they were getting under my skin. I would not rise from my chair and rip the face off of Celia, who, no doubt, was enjoying herself immensely at my expense.

Once the piglets were caught, and the excitement of the crowd had quieted, the storyteller continued, “Straight to battle they went; her body filled with his scent, just to learn that it wasn’t her throne. Disappointment would follow, but he pumped, and she’d swallowed, then he abused her cunt all the way home. Now, this dumb bitch is here, and it’s perfectly clear she will never replace our fair queen. For she was beauty and light, and everything right, that this witch could not possibly dream.” The woman impersonating me went to sit on a throne and was pushed to the floor by the faux king and used as a footstool. “When the war has been won, and her uses are none, a place for her head, there will be. Then the king can remarry a proper bride that can carry the memory and crown of our Queen.” The man playing Knox swung his wooden sword, and the woman bowed her head low, concealing it under her arm as she tossed out a melon adorned with a silver wig, a crown, and lipstick. As the woman sunk to the floor, the male removed the crown from the melon and carried it over to Celia. She laughed and clapped as she accepted the offering.

“Welcome to Dorcha, Aria Hecate. We do hope you enjoyed your tale,” the narrator stated, bowing as the crowd clapped and cheered.

“I think they may have missed the mark a little regarding what I had requested them to do tonight, Knox. I do hope you didn’t mind it too much, Aria?” Celia asked, and I smiled at her, hiding the emotion that was flooding through me.

“No, it was actually rather truthfully honest. I’m sure the people enjoyed it immensely as they seemed to have found great humor in the show,” I stated barely above a whisper, feeling the blood that oozed from my hands, soaking into my dress.

“If you ever do anything like this again, Celia, I will send you home to tend to your house. Do you understand me?” Knox asked through clenched teeth, and when she didn’t respond, he hissed. “I am not speaking to you as your brother-in-law, but as your King. I expect an answer.”

“I understand,” Celia whispered, sliding her eyes between Knox and me. “I shouldn’t have allowed others to see to the preparations. I merely allowed the camp followers to assist with the tale of how you’d captured your bride and treated her during your time away. I wasn’t privy to what happened. I will see that the actors are punished for the atrocity that played out tonight,” Celia lied, frowning as she lowered her eyes demurely, placing her hands into her lap. “The people seemed to have enjoyed the tale that was told tonight, though.”

“Indeed, they did. For the record, I enjoy my wife’s body and what it offers me when I am within her. She is an amazing lover and matched me completely in need. Your place here is because you are the sister of Liliana and Killian. I can easily replace you as stewardess if you insist on pulling shit like you did tonight.”

“The people are upset with the presence of this witch in Liliana’s home. I thought to make light of it so it would put them at ease. I didn’t mean it as an insult to Aria, or expect them to make a mockery of your intentions with her. I do think it offered them a little laughter to lighten the fact that a Hecate princess is here in my sister’s home. They loved Liliana and Prince Sven greatly. Every day we are all reminded that they’re no longer here with us.”

I peered at the men at the table who all watched me with twitching lips, other than Knox’s brothers and Killian, who looked mortified at my expense. Knox pushed his chair back abruptly, pulling mine out as Copyright 2016 - 2024