Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,21

me, so just hate me. I’m okay with that, but you won’t like it if you make me answer this question. You’ll still probably blame me anyway, so take the easy way out of this and let me be your monster.”

Knox’s eyes studied my face before he spoke through clenched teeth. “Answer the fucking question, witch.”

“Yes. I heard Kristal state they gave a tonic to a woman at a young age to change her scent and that they controlled her to get to you. They magically enhanced her to be your perfect mate, which her scent would have confirmed. That was why they couldn’t use me to create a double because you already knew my scent and taste. That saved my life. Go figure,” I swallowed as his jaw clenched.


I studied the hurt in his eyes, but worse, there was hatred burning in them as if he blamed me. “No one mentioned Sven, and they never spoke of the woman by name, only your love for her and what created her scent.”

“Were you created to be the same as her? Were you created to appear as the perfect mate for me, Aria Hecate? Did they enhance you with magic to smell and appear as something you’re not?”

I swallowed and shook my head slowly. “No, not to my knowledge, at least,” I whispered, sucking my lip between my teeth before releasing it. “I don’t think I’m your perfect mate, asshole.”

Knox’s eyes held mine prisoner, causing a wave of heat to wash through me. “Are you plotting against me?”

“Absolutely,” I said without pause while holding his stare.

His eyes searched my face before he asked another question. “What are you plotting, Aria?”

“I’m planning to bring this world to its knees, and I will do it while you watch, unable to prevent it from happening. I will protect the innocent witches from you and slaughter the others while you stand outside a barrier as you did before. I will kill the High Queen of Witches, and I will send you her skull to ease your need for revenge. Aurora will take the throne, and I will stand behind her to enforce her rule for a time until we’ve achieved peace. Once accomplished, I will vanish into the shadows and go somewhere that you, my family, or anyone else who sees me as nothing more than a weapon to wield against their enemies can use me. Maybe I’ll find a man who will treat me well, and fall in love with someone who will love me back. I won’t ever think of you again, King Karnavious.” I laughed at the look of anger in his eyes. “Keeping me here doesn’t change what happens outside your reach. The dominos are falling, and the witches are on the run, gathering together, making it much easier to destroy those I’ve marked for death.” I smiled as his mouth opened, then snapped closed.

“Do you know who you are?” he asked, turning the minute glass over in his fingers.

“I’m Aria Primrose Hecate, Princess to the Throne of Hecate witch line and the Kingdom of Vãkya, the youngest daughter of Freya Hecate,” I supplied softly without looking up at him.

“What game are you playing, Aria?” he countered, his hands gripping the edge of the table.

“None, as I told you, I’m done playing games.”

Knox growled, lunging over the table to grab my arms. “Who the fuck are you, really? You’re not some twenty-five old year witch, woman. You’re entirely too powerful to be so young, and you play me so fucking well, Hecate.”

I laughed coldly, holding his stare. “I am twenty-five years old. I was born in Haven Falls but conceived in the Nine Realms after my mother entertained kings inside her bedchamber for days in a drunken state of debauchery. I am not Hecate, asshole. I do not know who my father is, nor do I give a fuck to play your twisted games. I came here to clean my house and any others I find dirty. I am a witch, but I am also something else. I am not your mate, nor do I ever care to be yours again, King Karnavious. You have more fucking mood swings than anyone I have ever met.”

“Why are the witches digging up my past and using you to make me question my wife and son now?”

“How would I know that? It’s not like they’re friendly before I take their fucking heads. If I were to guess, I’d say they’re a little pissed off Copyright 2016 - 2024