Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,208

intend to give them one. Instead, I thanked those serving me, smiling as they poured whiskey into a silver cup and piled meat onto my plate.

Reaching for the silverware, I unfolded the napkin, placing it onto my lap before I grabbed the knife and fork and cut into the steak. I used every etiquette technique taught at the finishing school they’d sent us off to during summer. Once I cut the meat, I folded my hands in my lap, staring toward Knox, waiting for him to approve of the meal.

“You may eat, Aria,” Knox announced, grabbing the meat with his fingers and biting into a large piece before he placed it back on his plate. I watched him licking his fingers clean as heat entered my core, clenching with the need I’d felt for hours while he’d gotten drunk.

The steak melted in my mouth, cooked to perfection, and my stomach rumbled with approval. Fireworks exploded on my taste buds as I slowly ate, ignoring the eyes that continued watching me like I was a viper in their den. Drinking deeply of the familiar whiskey, I scanned the people’s faces that continued to study every move I made. I’d just set my goblet of whiskey down as Celia entered the room with entertainers behind her, clapping her hands.

When she reached the king’s table, she paused, bowing low at her waist before smiling eyes landed on me. My stomach clenched, threatening to return the food I’d just swallowed back onto the table at the gleam in her eye. Celia had changed into a gown, revealing so much cleavage that her breasts flowed over the corset she’d worn. Her arms were covered with silver bracelets, clanging as she righted her body. Jewels sparkled on her throat, hanging just high enough on her chest to draw the eye to her assets.

“To celebrate your victories and your return home, I’ve put together a show for you, My King. We didn’t have much warning of your return to prepare your entertainment, so we hope you enjoy this small reenactment of your many victories in which we have just learned. I am certain had my sweet sister been here upon your return, she would have welcomed you home properly. The kingdom feels her loss greatly tonight, as you return with her murderer’s granddaughter as your bride,” Celia whispered, wiping away feigned tears as the audience nodded, agreeing with her every word.

“I’m sure we will enjoy whatever you’ve planned for us tonight, Lady Celia,” Knox reassured her.

Celia beamed under his compliment, blushing as she moved toward the table with a quick nod to the entertainers. I swallowed, noting some actors were camp followers who had been with us as we’d marched into Dorcha. A silver-haired woman caught my eye as I noted she wore a similar dress to the one I was wearing. Celia sat on Knox’s other side, slipping her hand onto his lap and squeezed his thigh.

“I am so glad you have returned. I am available to help you with anything you may need, Knox,” she whispered, barely loud enough for me to make out the words.

His hand lowered to hers, squeezing it as the people moved into place, arranging items as I forced my hands into my lap. I swallowed, praying that I didn’t make a fool of myself as my heart hammered against my ribs. I schooled my features as the blonde who wore a silver wig stepped next to the male dressed in raven armor and a crown similar to Knox’s.

A man stepped on the stage, carrying a script. He nodded to the actors and began to read. “I come to you tonight with a tale of might, of a king so brave and virile, that he tamed a shrew hag, threatening heads in a bag, for her sister’s and aunt’s survival,” the man recited, and the audience clapped as the two entertainers behind him stepped forward. “He promised us victory and fought with might, and brought home a queen of evil delight,” the narrator continued as the actors danced awkwardly. “Our King took a whore of Freya’s womb. He chased her, then fucked her on Hecate’s tomb. Training this beast was a burden indeed, but he beat down that bitch until we all heard her scream.”

I winced as a backdrop unfolded behind the actors depicting a gravestone while the male pretended to slap the woman. She dropped onto all fours, facing the audience. She pulled up the back of her dress, spread Copyright 2016 - 2024