Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,198

and he nodded.

“I believe you would try, but only those with the ability to forgive can create the world they want. Can you forgive Knox for what he intends to do?”

I looked at Knox outside the dome, still trying to gain access. He paused, and his obsidian eyes met mine, tilting his head in question. I looked away and didn’t answer Karter. Instead, I shot one back at him. “Why did Hecate place you as the Keeper of Water?”

“My wife asked her to do so because I refused to allow Hecate to rule my lands. Neven wanted power, craving it for herself. A queen cannot overrule a king, and so she got rid of me. I intend to take back my throne and deal with my errant wife once I have returned.”

“Taren tried to kill me.”

“So he did, but Taren hated your lover. I respect your husband. He tried to prevent this from happening to me. He warned me that my wife intended to remove me from power, but he was so young. A king does not listen to a prince’s words. Had I done so, I wouldn’t be here. You will survive this, Aria. Your lifeline is long and winding. You are the unknown, the promised one with the power to heal our lands. You are pure of heart and untainted by grief or pain. Your father is watching you, and he is so proud of the little monster he created.”

“If he is so proud, why isn’t he here? Why hasn’t he come for me?” I hissed, watching Karter carefully.

“Because you’re not ready, Little Queen. His people have assisted you along the way, and he knows your intentions. You allowed the King of Norvalla to capture you for a reason, and if he thought for one moment you were in danger, your father would rain down hell, unlike this world has ever seen to prevent it. You’re not alone, Aria. You’ve never been alone, not even when you were outside the Nine Realms.”

I stared at the honesty shining from within Karter’s eyes. I exhaled before nodding, “Let’s give it a go. What could go wrong?” He opened his mouth as if intending to answer the question, but I lifted my hand. “That was rhetorical.”

Karter pressed his lips against my ear, whispering, “If you want Knox, you must fight to keep him. Love is not easily obtained. Fight for him and break through the barrier to touch his heart. Remind him he still has one.”

Karter smirked, and his hands touched mine, grounding me as I called to his power, taking it within me. My body trembled as the dome exploded. Knox and his men flew out of the river and onto the banks. The water in the river transformed into droplets that hovered in the air. Pain echoed through me, but Karter added his power to mine while Ember added her strength into the equation.

The droplets continued climbing into the air, then crashed down over me all at once. My eyes widened when the water slammed into us, sending my body to the ground as pain echoed through me. The taste of pure, unfiltered magic assaulted me. My ears popped, and my lungs filled with water as everything crushed within me. I felt consciousness slipping, and then hands grabbed me, yanking me toward the surface.

Knox pulled me from the water, watching as I sputtered, coughing it from my lungs. His eyes were blue, and his teeth bared as his body shook with rage. I turned over, staring up at him as I rose from the ground, gasping while the water elemental’s power sizzled inside of me. Once I was on my feet, Knox rattled his rage, and I whimpered.

His eyes slid to obsidian as anger filled the air between us. “What the fuck was that?” he demanded.

“The King of Nymphs,” I admitted, struggling to remain upright.

“You think I’m stupid? That was the Keeper of Water, Aria. You fucking played me to get inside my realm!” Knox snarled.

“I did not! I had no plans of being sucked into the damn river!” I shouted back as lightning struck, and it rained. The rain intensified as Knox peered up, slowly sliding his gaze back toward me through the torrential downpour unfolding.

Knox moved without warning, grabbing me and crushing his mouth against mine. He kissed me like a starving man that hadn’t tasted a woman in centuries and never would again. His fingers pushed through my hair, holding me against him. He kissed me Copyright 2016 - 2024