Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,196

encasing me in an enormous bubble as air rushed into my lungs.

Flat on my back, I peered up at the dome, gulping in large amounts of air to my deprived lungs. Knox was pounding against the clear enclosure, his eyes no longer sea-blue, but fiery obsidian, angry that he could not reach me. Knox retreated to the surface as I sat up, staring at the beast that flopped around, hissing and spitting before it started convulsing.

Slowly rising to my feet, I backed up against the dome, snarling when it sent a warning jolt of energy rushing through me. My entire body shuddered while the beast gradually shifted to the form of a man. He turned electric blue eyes on me as he stood, revealing masses of muscle and everything else.

“You,” he hissed, his voice coming out in layers.

“Me?” I asked, wishing I had some clothes to put on.

The male smiled, letting his gaze take in my body before his hand moved, and water covered my nakedness. Okay, not the strangest shit to happen to me lately. He started forward, but nails slid over the outside of the dome, and we looked up as four angry alphas attacked the bubble.

“I am Karter, King of the Nymphs.”

“I am wondering why you just tried to drown my ass,” I returned, observing him. My eyes slid back to Killian and Brander as they fought with Knox to break the bubble.

“You freed Taren from Hecate’s curse.”

I stared at Karter for a moment, then looked around the dome before focusing my attention back on him. Sucking my lip between my teeth, I frowned while considering my move.

“I almost died in the process,” I pointed out.

“I am not as powerful as Taren. You’re stronger now, too. You can hold the power that I have, witch,” he chided. “You need it to accomplish what you intend to create.”

“What do you know about what I intend to create?”

“The Tenth Realm for the witches. You’re a part of this land, and when you speak, the elementals hear from your soul, which is now attached to the realms. Let me show you,” Karter urged, holding out his hand.

Knox and his men continued to bang on the barrier, shaking their heads, urging me not to accept Karter’s hand. Swallowing, I looked away from Knox and considered Karter’s offer. I stepped forward, holding my hand out before he yanked me closer to him. His hands clapped over my head, and my body jerked. Pain echoed through me as I felt water filling my lungs.

When my eyes opened, we were in a different place. I looked to the castle behind me, noting the giant firebirds filling the air while dragons flew around them. Men and women moved about, laughing, celebrating something. Large dragons and phoenixes shot blue and red flames from their mouths as smaller creatures flew around them, sailing through the air. Looking around, I noticed a familiar male leaning against a wall, staring down at the celebration with a soft smirk on his lips.

“Aden,” I whispered.

“Wow,” I whispered thickly. “This is Norvalla?” Karter silenced me by nodding toward a dark figure that moved from the shadows.

“This is what happens if you don’t claim your rightful place and power. Watch,” Karter said from behind me.

A petite blonde woman went to stand beside Knox. Both proudly wore their crowns as the King and Queen of Norvalla. Knox turned, smiling at the woman as they lifted their gazes to the monsters flying above. Huge dragons landed on the battlements, wailing as they flapped leathery wings. The crowd exploded in cheers as several phoenixes perched beside their king and queen.

The queen turned, her smile curving her lips as she and Knox hailed the crowd. They celebrated a body that hung upon the wall, causing my blood to turn to ice in my veins. The crowd cheered louder for the murder of the Hecate witch whose headless body swung in the breeze. My eyes scanned those on the battlements, not recognizing anyone. Lowering my stare, I searched the crowd until I found silver hair that hung down around slender hips, the face the only stoic, unsmiling one in the group.

Familiar turquoise eyes turned to the crowd as a smile twisted on the woman’s lips. No, not some random woman. They were my lips, and the crowd continued to cheer me. Knox and his queen bow, and my twin followed suit. The dragons snarled, pushing up and off the battlements, sailing into the air as the future me Copyright 2016 - 2024