Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,193

him apart, fucking destroy him, but we don’t put our teeth into him. Understand? If he wants my fucking mark, he can earn it.”


“This is going to be bloody and violent, isn’t it?” I asked in a hushed tone, as if I feared he would hear me.

“On your scale from one to ten, it’s off the chart. Mating isn’t sexy. It’s a violent instinct, and I feel the need to rip Knox apart and take my mate out of him. I’m guessing we’re about to fight him, and you’re going to enjoy every moment of it, Aria. Go for his balls, please. For me. You owe me.”

“I owe you? I got monster dick because you were too much of a sissy to take on Lennox, who, by the way, fucks like a ravaging monster and literally made me get stuck on his dick, simply because he could. Where were you again? Oh, yeah, hiding from that big ole dick like a little sissy while I rode it like a cowgirl showing off at a rodeo! I even walked like it afterward, and you never even tag-teamed in to give me a break!”

“I told you to run. Maybe listen next time. When a dick gives me pause, Aria, the answer is never to get up on that thing and ride it!”

“No, your answer was mother-fucking pineapple! Pineapple is never the answer to anything!”

Knox stood, walking toward his wooden chest, and my body moved without warning, standing silently behind him. He turned and then spun around, his eyes sliding from me to the chair in which I’d been sitting. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and my eyes zeroed in on it. I’d left the dress in a heap on the ground with my movement. Knox opened his mouth, and I pushed him, watching him falling over the chest that pissed me off even more.

Knox rose, his eyes slipping to obsidian and then back to oceanic blue. His lips twisted, and his claws extended to match mine. I stepped back, studying the way his body filled out more. He strode forward, tracking me. My mouth opened, and he mimicked me, rattling thickly.

“It’s about fucking time, woman,” he snapped.

“I’m about to fuck your world up.”

“Something’s about to get fucked,” he countered, and I lunged, but he caught me, slamming me down on the bed.

I remained there, watching Knox prowl around me while his eyes slowly slid down my body. He lowered his hands, and my eyes followed to where his thumb flicked the button on his pants, sliding them down to reveal the state of his arousal. He turned, blowing out the candle, enveloping us in darkness.

My eyes followed him easily, turning predatory while his glowed with the fire from within him. He leaped onto the bed, but I rolled and then slammed my elbow into his stomach the moment he turned to grab me. Springing to my feet, I crept closer while he lowered his head, rattling softly, causing my spine to arch with heat tightening in my belly.

“You want it rough?” he asked, and I laughed, but it wasn’t friendly.

“I want your screams, asshole.”

“One of us will be screaming, woman. You’re about to find out who is alpha and who isn’t.”

The sound escaping my lips was hollow and empty. Knox followed me, forcing me to maneuver around the chest and onto the bed. I needed extra room to move, but outside the tent were more of us, itching to join the fight we danced. He moved faster than I could track. Capturing my body, he slammed me against the bed and parted my legs. I lifted my nails, raking them down his chest as he howled in pain.

Knox captured my nails as my mouth lifted, sucking the blood from his chest. His entire body shuddered with the need for my teeth to sink into his flesh. He waited, and when the bite didn’t come, he flipped me onto my belly, holding my hands behind my back. He pushed my legs apart and entered me hard and fast.

His mouth lowered, kissing over my shoulder before his tongue slid against it. His bite sent my body into a downward spiral as his serrated teeth sank into my shoulder. I bucked against him, forcing him to release my hands while he held me in place. I pushed my hands beneath me, and he growled huskily, releasing my arm to chuckle.

“Good girl. You play with that pussy for me, fucking bitch!” Knox snarled as my Copyright 2016 - 2024