Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,187

naked body no longer held the protection runes to prevent Hecate from rising. “They’re trying to raise Hecate. Why would anyone want her alive?” I whispered more to myself but still got an answer.

“They are stupid, obviously,” Ember replied, shrugging nonchalantly like it was a dumb question that got a silly answer.

The sound of swords crashing together filled the air, and Ember zipped toward it. Stopping in the middle of the fray, she looked left and right, settling on the largest male who had just removed the head from the body of a witch.

Slowly, Ember stalked toward Knox as he continued slicing witches into two parts. Swords swung at us, and she ducked, sliding beneath them, laughing like it was a game. Luna came into sight, wielding her magic toward Knox, forcing him to deflect it. Shocked, I watched him try to pull magic from the Nine Realms, but what he got was weak and limited. His realm magic wasn’t like mine since I could draw and use endless power, tapping into its source like a lifeline.

The crystals were doing their job since only the witches were casting. Then I noticed Knox wiggle his fingers, and the marks on his witches ignited, called upon by his power, giving him the strength to aid him in this battle. My heart thundered in my chest, and I swallowed past the shock of him drawing magic from them. He wasn’t a witch, though. He was something—else. But it wouldn’t be enough against Ilsa and Luna.

Knox’s deflection of magic was precise, displaying learned, skillful movements that sparked the power, amplifying it. He was reaching for the magic of the dark witches now, taking it by force. I realized he was going to use their power against them. Knox was a conduit that captured and reflected their power, which explained why he hadn’t just ended the war the moment he’d started it. It also explained why he didn’t seem concerned about the crystals, since he could still wield a witch’s magic without actually being a witch. Knox only needed to get close enough to gain some of their powerful magic to use against his enemies; hence why he’d wanted me.

Sure, all immortals could pull some power from the Nine Realms that was readily available. They couldn’t, however, use it as we did. It was a Catch 22. They had access, but not the strength or ability to use it past the basics.

Ilsa and Luna were edging Knox away from his men, sending in monsters to separate them. I dodged a sword, sliding through one corpse before I landed on another, pausing when I realized Ember wasn’t in control anymore. My stare slid to the edges of the field where witches formed a barrier, holding large crystals that pulsed with magic.

They were forcing the men to fight as humans! Shit! I lifted my gaze, staring at Ilsa, who smiled, revealing black teeth and gums. Her hands were missing fingers from the rot of being dark for too long, literally wasting away to nothing. All I had to do was reach Ilsa before she got to Knox. Pushing from the ground, I moved silently to where she stood as she withdrew a sword from a scabbard that pulsed with magic, spelled not to miss its mark.

Power slithered through the clearing in front of the stronghold, and I moved into action as Ilsa lifted the sword, fueling it with more magic. Ember’s power was dormant, held hostage by the crystals that were forcing us to remain human, and the bracelets Knox had placed on me to protect his people had weakened my magic.

Exhaling, I slowed my heart as weapons clanged near me. Swords swung, forcing me to move as the air displaced beside me. A warrior lunged, his mangled face grotesque, mirroring a combination of warthog and man. I danced out of his reach, sliding toward one of Knox’s warriors who swung at me, his eyes cold and dripping hatred as he moved to strike again, even as the unwanted beast warrior did the same.

I ducked as one swung his blade cutting through the air. Dropping to my back, I rolled through blood and gore to escape them. They followed me as other swords swung toward them, rendering them both headless as they fought. I stood slowly, staring at where Ilsa crept toward Knox, who was holding Luna’s magic at bay, forcing her backward, leaving him exposed to the blade Ilsa was about to swing toward him.

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