Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,166

the large room as torches were lit, then a scream tore through the room. Only it wasn’t my scream, or I didn’t think it was. My sobs abated when I took in the utter horror that the light had exposed.

High chandeliers covered in orange, red, and white streamers spun around, carrying children’s bodies as if they were dancing the maypole. The adult bodies sat at the tables, stiff and turned in various positions like they were speaking to the man or woman beside them. Although their heads had been removed, the dark witches had pinned them back onto random bodies like ill-fitting puzzle pieces. Blood covered the tables, and the scent of hemlock drifted through the air.

I shivered, turning my attention to the table of honor where the lord and lady sat, their hands bound with both heads resting on a silver platter in front of their bodies. The lady was clothed in a silver dress, her hands wrapped in red and white ribbons. On her head sat a crown of onyx, sapphires, and quartz. A single crow pushed from of her mouth, still alive, struggling to escape.

My body moved closer to Knox’s, absently seeking his silent strength while the entire room stood silent. My body continually shook, sobs slowly escaping past my lips as the reason the dark witches had slaughtered everyone in the village and keep was revealed. They had recreated our wedding, using the people here to make their displeasure known.

A commotion behind us forced my attention to a body brought in by Knox’s men, and my heart clenched. I fought the tears flooding my eyes, breathing rapidly past the evil of what the dark witches did to those here and my sweet sister.

They’d mutilated Aine. Her flesh was almost completely gone from her bones. My stomach turned over, and I closed my eyes as I swayed on my feet. Hands wrapped around me from behind and purring began before Knox turned and held me tightly. I pushed my nose against his chest, breathing him in to calm the agony I felt. My head swam with images as my body sank into Knox’s, knowing he was the only support available at the moment.

“They didn’t remove her head, Aria,” Knox whispered, barely loud enough for the sound to register. “Aine is immortal, which means with enough time, she’ll heal. Come. Let me get you someplace where my witches can treat the damage to your skin before it worsens.”

I nodded as a sliver of hope entered my mind. Hemlock was poison to witches, but once you were immortal, it lessened the ability to kill without removing the head. Normally, the dark witches would remove the head once the hemlock had entered the system. So why hadn’t they done it to Aine? They had to have known she was immortal since they’d staged Aine in the pool of hemlock for my benefit.

Knox walked me up the stairs as the witches silently followed behind us. Once I was inside a bedroom, he issued orders to the women, placing a soft kiss on my forehead before he slipped out the door.

Siobhan watched me closely, moving to the door before she opened it, peeking into the hallway. A shiver raced down my spine as she spun on her heel, raising her hands into the air, causing several of the other witches to drop to the floor. Soraya handed me a dress, holding her finger to her lips as Siobhan tossed quartz toward the doors and windows, slowly turning to me as I pulled the dress on, preparing to fight them both.

“If you want to live, you need to come with me, Aria. Kinvara is in the dungeon with my sister, Esmerelda. I could not thank you for protecting her because ears are everywhere within the camp. I’m leaving this fight today. Come with us,” Siobhan whispered, and the other witches moved to the door, observing me.

“Kinvara is here?” I whispered in shock, moving toward them while Siobhan nodded.

“Yes, the dark witches were merely a convenient ruse to get you out of here,” Siobhan confirmed. “They set siege to this castle days ago. Soon, Knox will know the truth of it, and you won’t be safe with him. He’s secured a spell to open his wife’s tomb, and when he does that, everything will change.”

“Kinvara cannot be here, Siobhan. He will murder her!” I murmured through chattering teeth.

“He’ll murder your ass if you stay here, Aria,” Soraya snorted.

“We’re leaving with or without you. The Copyright 2016 - 2024