Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,140

a fool, chasing me around the Nine Realms, allowing me to think I was ahead of you when, in reality, I wasn’t. You’ve known where my family hid, every step of the way. You knew what I was doing, but I don’t know why you didn’t make a move against my family or me. Why let me think I was ahead of you?”

“Because I wanted to know what you would do when you got here. Pretty eyes can hide the largest lies. And yours are so beautiful, Aria. Your family is your weakness, and I have had them and not used them other than to test your magic against my enemies. I could have killed them all by now. None of them have stayed in that tomb, yet I chose not to do that. I don’t want to make you into the monster I am, but I will to keep you at my side. Your magic is unparalleled to anyone else in the Nine Realms other than my own. You took power from the Nine Realms, and you freed the King of Gargoyles. You freed Taren from a curse that your grandmother sentenced him to for eternity. If it isn’t me trying to control your power, someone else will. It’s as simple as that, Little One.

“Creatures within the Nine Realms hide their power because letting others know their strengths makes them into a target. Within one week of you being inside this world, chatter started. Not about the return of the Hecate witches, but about one beautiful silver-haired girl, who could take down an entire castle by herself. They began hunting you, and I hunted them before they reached you.” He watched the tremor of unease rushing through me. “The sun is rising, and with it, the only chances of getting Bel to rise before you are my bride. He only accepts maidens who are unwed, and I am marrying you tonight.”

“What if you regret it, Knox?” I whispered thickly, watching his mouth curve into a frown. He lowered his mouth to mine, claiming it softly as he cupped my face between his hands.

“I won’t, Aria. That is one thing I am certain. Now, go dress because I, for one, cannot wait to see Bel brought to his knees by my woman.”

“You’re so certain he will pick me? All the witches dance for Bel. He only chooses one out of the group in which to spend the night. Turning him down isn’t an easy thing, Knox. He’s the most beautiful male known to the world, with fiery eyes and golden skin. He is literally made for pleasure and offers it to the woman he chooses. Once I am in that circle, only I can choose my path. You won’t be able to get inside of it, not without disturbing the ceremony.”

“I am very aware of how this works, Little One. I know who you are and who I am marrying tonight. You may want a child badly, but you are not the type of woman who will sleep with a man just to gain his child. You’re Aria Primrose, and you’re not a basic bitch. You need chemistry and to want a man before you lie down with him. I know because I watched you struggle, thinking it was Brander who would make you into a woman, wanting it to be me. I enjoyed that inner battle within you, and then the acceptance that it would not be me because in your eyes was the proof of how much you wished it otherwise. I also watched the relief playing across your face as you found me behind you, entering your body. So am I worried that my girl would take a deity over me? No, because she’s my girl, and she knows it, even if she doesn’t like that she is.”

I hated that Knox was right, but worse than that, I hated that he knew me. I exhaled, twisting my lips and scrunching my nose up. I exited the water, moving to the scented towel set out for me. I heard Knox leaving the pool but refused to turn around. Drying off, I reached for the white lace panties, silently slipping them on before I placed the tiny lace top over my breasts. It barely covered them and was sheer enough that my pink nipples were visible through the material. Grabbing the skirt, I pulled the thin material up my hips before adding the silver chains onto my waist, securing Copyright 2016 - 2024