Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,133

more of a slow, hard, and deeper man. I like to know that my woman feels me there hours after I’ve left her body. Some men move fast, and some go gentle. Others go hard and slow, making sure that things don’t end up lost in translation.”

“That was pretty smooth, Brander.”

“Isn’t he smooth, though?” Knox snorted from where he leaned against the door, watching us before he stalked into the room. He glared at Brander as he removed his bloodied shirt. “Isn’t she seductive, brother? All she has to do is remove her clothes, and we become helpless but to want her. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was related to Aphrodite instead of Hecate, but we’re more than aware of from whom she came. Now, if you’re done trying to fuck my brother, Aria, you and I both need to rest for our wedding tomorrow.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

I awoke alone and to a disturbance within the room. Rising from the bed, I peered around the darkness, sensing the oily taint of dark magic. Candles lit without warning, causing the dark shadows around the bed to take form. Swallowing, I leaned back against the mattress while taking in the soulless eyes dripping a black, oily substance down their cheeks. A deep shiver rushed through me. One opened her mouth, screeching, and I gasped at the dark magic coursing through me.

I pulled on my arm, secured by Brander, groaning at finding one still tied to the bed. Ilsa’s witches were casting evil, dark magic, and my chest tightened. A scream ripped from my throat as a blast rushed through me. A dark witch lunged with a glint of silver in her hand, and my claws extended, sliding through her arm. The coppery tang of blood filled the air as the arm I’d severed slammed against the door.

“Traitor! Die!” one of the witches shouted through blackening teeth. She flew toward me, forcing me to use my free arm to sever her head from her torso, fighting to remain alive.

“Kill her now!” another screeched. The door to the cabin exploded open, and men flooded into the room, weapons out and ready to engage the enemies within. “She cannot live!”

A dark witch rushed toward me with a dagger aimed at my heart, but a blade sliced through the air, inches from my face, blocking the strike. The sword cut through body and torso, swinging again so quickly that my eyes hardly registered the motion, removing the hand that held the dagger. Ocean blue eyes held mine, Knox’s eyes moving to the next witch before swinging deftly and fluidly to dispatch her too.

My body sagged in relief, watching Knox and his men eliminate the dark witches. His attention returned to me, and he dropped his sword on the floor before moving onto the bed beside me. Knox grabbed me, searching for injuries.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, cupping my cheeks. Brander removed the cuff from my hand, releasing me from the bed. Knox yanked me into his arms when I was freed, examining the sore flesh on my wrist from the cuff.

“No,” I replied softly, exhaling while he held me in his arms, against the heat of his body to still the trembling of mine. “I’m fine, Knox.”

“I want the witches up and placing protection spells around this camp. This cabin needs extra protection. Every corner of the camp needs clear quartz and smoky quartz to keep the high queen’s minions out of this valley while we finish our vows. I want armed men placed at the entrances, in and out of the valley. Check everyone coming in for dark magic,” Knox snapped harshly. “I won’t risk Aria’s life to marry her.”

I shivered against him, listening to the soft purr slipping from him, offering comfort he probably hadn’t even noticed he’d given. His fingers rubbed against my neck, working the muscles that had strained from being tied to the bed so I couldn’t escape the upcoming nuptials.

The moment the room was empty of the dead witches and his men, Knox placed his forehead against mine. He didn’t speak, but I could feel his body trembling with both anger and fear at finding the enemy within the bridal room.

“I should have been here,” he swallowed, kissing my forehead.

I pulled away from him, staring through narrowed slits as my creature observed him. He noted the changes as my nails extended and my teeth slid through my gums. Before I could ask Ember what she intended to do, Knox’s Copyright 2016 - 2024