Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,129

close, but then you went and broke us both out of his clutches. At that point, I remained in play to figure out where your family was hiding and the details of their plan.”

“I’m going to rip out your heart and feed it to you, asshole.”

“Such a blood, thirsty little woman, isn’t she?” Knox asked softly.

“Indeed, she is. I wonder if she’s figured out that you know where her family is and that you can easily get to them. I’m guessing she’s adding it up right now because she looks ready to throw up,” Dimitri stated, his sapphire eyes sliding over my face.

He was right, and worse than that even. Dimitri knew the location of the witches I’d hidden from Knox. My hands lifted, wrapping around my stomach as my head dropped. Pain punched through my middle, and tears burned my eyes. Knox had my weakness in his grasp because I’d trusted that Dimitri was on our side.

“You should have seen this coming, pretty girl. Did you actually think I’d be satisfied with being your bitch? Running around the Nine Realms doing as you wanted? I am a born king to the alpha clan. I am no one’s bitch, witch. Your family? They treated mine like shit, running us out of town until only my father and mother remained. I was last in line for a throne that was rightfully mine. Knox murdered those who stood before me, paving the way for me to become the rightful king.”

“King of what, Dimitri? You’re nothing more than a bitch Knox intends to rule and boss around. It’s called being a puppet, which means you’re nothing. You’ll be less than nothing, actually. You’ll be under his thumb because Knox is a tyrant.”

“And you’re his pretty pussy he gets to fuck while aiming you as a weapon at his enemies. You’re his whore and his weapon. You are the same thing to Aurora and your sisters, only they’re not fucking you, at least not in the same way he is. You should hear them speak of you. You’re basically a pet they intend to sic on their enemies. A rabid bitch they plan to send in, so they don’t have to get their hands dirty. Aurora laughs at you, speaking about how easy it is to control the monster that crawled out of her sister’s womb. You think it was a coincidence she showed up the same day you were born?” Dimitri’s laughter was cruel, and the ice in his stare only made me want to rip his eyes from the sockets.

“Think about it, Aria. Your aunt, who vanished without a trace to escape that rotten-to-its-fucking-core town, comes back the day your mother births a monster. Freya placed your tiny body onto an altar, begging the gods and goddesses to take you away. Aurora came back to get what she helped create, her weapon to use against her enemies. She knew she could easily mold into what she wanted it to become. Aurora protected you because you’re her key to the throne that she isn’t strong enough to take by force. Or, she wasn’t, until you. Aurora was there during every attack from your mother, yet she didn’t stop Freya from hurting you. She merely healed the damage, earning your undying love. You don’t question the hand that heals you, do you? The entire town wanted you to be put down like a rabid, ill-trained dog. My parents voted to murder you, and I agreed. Your friends, your family, your lover, no one wanted you. You’re nothing but a gullible bitch that is easily manipulated.”

I stood silently before Dimitri, watching his smile turn cruel, and his eyes sparkled with amusement at the tears I couldn’t stop from falling. My head shook after a moment, and my attention slid to Knox, who didn’t look amused by what Dimitri had stated. There was coldness in his eyes while he watched me being ripped apart to nothing more than what I’d just told him I was to him in the pool.

“What? No sassy come back out of those willing lips, woman?” Dimitri continued.

“Shut the fuck up, Dimitri. You’re done here. Leave,” Knox snapped, his hands fisting tightly at his sides while he watched me, never taking his eyes from my face.

“As you wish, My King,” Dimitri smirked, stepping closer to me as if to kiss my cheek.

My hand shot out, slicing through his chest without warning, removing his heart, which I tossed toward Knox. Blood covered Knox’s Copyright 2016 - 2024