Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,119

over my mouth.

“Give me your power, and I will give mine,” he urged.

I shivered, knowing exactly what he wanted. I knew it as a power merge, and if we were not compatible, it would go really bad fast. I opened my mouth to argue, but he shook his head. I lifted my hands, his mirroring mine, sending power rushing toward the enemies trying to gather around us.

“Trust me, woman. If anyone is compatible, it’s us.”

Knox placed his hands on my waist to lift my body against his. I raised my arms, swinging them around as he spun us, slicing creatures into bloody pieces. Knox noted how my hands shifted, and if they turned, he turned us while amplifying my power. Canine-like beasts exploded from around the castle, and Knox leaned back as my legs wrapped around his waist, holding my weight as he spun me again. Our combined magic slammed into the mutated dogs that howled before exploding, adding green goo to the field.

Knox pulled me up, cradling the small of my back as his power pulsed through me, heady with blood magic. It was the same magic he’d used to place his name on my flesh, sending lust rushing through me violently. I gasped as it entered my body, forcing my eyes to go hooded while he watched. Shadows moved around us, and Knox spun, using his magic. I adjusted to the pulsating feel of his magic rushing through me, losing focus on the battle while he became an all-consuming need that was building within me.

“Breathe, pretty girl,” he urged.

I dropped back, sliding my hands together to clap as bodies burst into flames, painting the walls of the keep. Knox watched as I pulled myself up to claim his lips hungrily.

I didn’t care if we were in the middle of a war. I needed him more than I ever had before. Knox pushed his hands through my hair, holding me to him, still spinning us in a tight circle while popping noises sounded all around us. It wasn’t until the oily, dark magic brushed against us that we paused, turning to stare at the battlements and the ghastly witches above as I slid down his body.

Knox and I lifted our hands at the same moment, sending magic to search for the offenders. The dark witches shattered like glass when it found them, the noise a loud screeching howl that echoed through the valley in which we fought. One by one, we took down our enemies, clearing each side until we met in the middle.

A massive three-headed beast lunged from the battlements. I grabbed it with my magic, holding it in place as Knox slapped his hands together, threading his fingers before his magic ripped it apart. The shattered beast rained shards of glass-like pieces onto the ground, mere feet in front of us.

I lifted my hands once more, setting fire to the nooses around the bodies of the immortals strung up on the walls. They dropped, only to be caught by Knox and his men. My hands softened, threading organs back into bodies, righting the damage to the victims. I continued until sweat beaded on my brow, dripping down my neck. Once I had healed them, I stepped back, searching the ground before I started toward an empty spot, barren of grass.

Opening the ground with my magic, I stared down at the people who looked up at me from within a cavern that stunk of earth and filth, crammed pack with prisoners. I reached down, offering a lord my hand as a soft smile played on my lips. A flash of silver caught my eye before someone shoved me back. A sword pushed forward, and Killian growled, dropping to his knees as he stared at the blade protruding from his side.

Anger ripped through me violently. I screamed in outrage, reaching for my magic as the unjustness of what had just happened entered my mind. We’d saved them, and they’d killed Killian! I rattled threateningly, slowly walking forward, pulling more magic around me as I screamed in rage. My claws descended, teeth slipped from my gums, and magic rushed into my fingers, itching to be released on the people who had harmed one of our own. A hand touched my shoulder, and I turned, staring at Killian. My ears pulsed loudly with the blood pounding and coursing through my system.

“Let it go,” Killian growled hoarsely, studying my face as I fought for control over the emotions churning through me. “They Copyright 2016 - 2024