Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,111

us every time the high queen casts a spell.”

“I am working on that, but as you know, it isn’t a simple spell. I took the power of the Keeper of Lightning. I freed it for all witches to call upon who’ve remained within the light. I did it alone, with the help of the Nine Realms. This world brought me back from the brink of death, meaning that it found me worthy of leading. Lifting the curses won’t be as easy as bringing back the full power of our people to use against the mad queen, as we shall call that dirty bitch from henceforth.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” Siobhan whispered through trembling lips. “You’re going to give us back our powers and help us undo the damage?”

“I cannot undo the past, but I can ensure that the future belongs to us. That we’re not under the thumb of the mad queen, and that I can free those who are there unwillingly. I am not my grandmother. I don’t crave power, and I don’t hunger for a throne. I know my family has a lot to atone for, and we’re here to do that now. My vow to you is that I won’t ever stop fighting until we are all free again.”

“I will follow you, Aria Hecate. Not blindly, but beside you against Ilsa, because you’re right. She is evil, and she isn’t my queen.” Siobhan swallowed, nodding as she stepped back.

I lifted my arms, hugging Dana, who continued to cry silently. “Dry your tears. The children are free of the flesh that housed their beauty. They feel no pain and know not the horrors of this world anymore, sweet girl,” I murmured. “I know you loved them, but you have to free them so they can go where they belong.”

“I wasn’t enough to save them from Ilsa,” Dana admitted.

“I don’t think anyone was. No one expected Ilsa to strike against children because it is forbidden to harm them. We are commanded not to murder them. We protect them at all costs.”

“No, Aria,” Knox snorted, watching as I turned to take in his anger. “Some of us knew how far witches would go to hurt others and that no life is precious in their eyes.”

Siobhan had mentioned his son’s death, and I’d brought up his thousand deaths. We used the curse on those who trespassed against our children, but never on another’s child. Hecate had chosen the worst death we could give, using it against Knox.

How much pain had Knox endured while watching his son die one thousand times? I’d been unable to watch one child die, but he’d endured holding his own through each death, according to Lore. I silently walked to Knox, sliding my fingers through his as he watched me with a coldness I knew well.

“Let us go take back the castle and show them we are together, King Karnavious. Beltane comes, and if you intend to give your people a proper mating ritual and ceremony, I prefer we do so while Bel can visit and bless our fires.”

“Indeed.” Knox pulled me against him, kissing my forehead before he left me standing there while he issued orders in a sharp, clipped voice.

Knox was deeply wounded. So much so that it would never be healed. It was something I was learning to recognize. When he hurt, he lashed out at me. Unfortunately, I was the nearest thing in his path that he could blame for his pain. It wasn’t right, but grief didn’t have a time limit or make sense. Knox only had to think of his wife or son, and I was where he took out his pain. The thing was, I would not accept it anymore. I was fighting with him, and while admittedly, I didn’t plan to fight on his side; we wanted the same thing. We both were trying to end the terror of one mad queen.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The dead covered the castle walls. Silently, I noted their bowels unraveled from their stomachs, hanging from them like ropes. Nausea swirled through me, pushing against my throat as it threatened to spill the little food I’d been able to hold down today.

Knox and his men pointed toward the battlements, and I noted the dark shadows moving around on them. Each shadow hid behind a pillar that jutted into the sky, offering them protection from being seen. Flags adorned the battlement, and one stood out more than the others, a single white flag with the decapitated head of Copyright 2016 - 2024