Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,11

that was turning into raging rapids.

Something brushed my leg as I shot back toward the surface, and I glanced down as blonde hair became visible through the frothing white water. Nails dug into my legs, pulling me under as I sucked in air, yanked beneath the surface by a nymph.

My heart echoed through my ears as she smiled coldly, revealing serrated teeth. Once she had me beneath the water, she lunged to tear into my throat, but I was faster. My teeth found her cheek, slicing through it before she pulled back. The rattle that exploded from my lungs sent bubbles moving to the surface, and a burst of energy shot through me as I pierced the nymph’s throat with my fangs, ripping her vein open. Blood pooled around us, and I turned, sucking in water as yet another nymph attacked, using her claws to slice into my stomach.

I pushed from the bottom, kicking my legs to breach the surface. I gulped in air, noticing the nymph had followed me. I lunged, and we both gasped, crashing into a huge jagged rock that impaled the nymph, leaving her behind as the current slammed me against rock after rock until consciousness faded.

The sound of more rapids drew my attention, and I shuddered through the fear and chill that rushed through me. I saw movement beside me, and I groaned as I prepared for an attack, only to have something land close beside me in the water.

My eyes slid to the bank, finding a woman in the water with me. In her hand was a rope, but I couldn’t get enough air through my chattering teeth to tell her my hands were bound. I went below the surface as a rapid caught me, sucking me in without warning. My feet slid over the slippery rocks as I tried to get enough energy to shoot back toward the surface.

Failing, I blinked past the dark dots that swam in my vision as my lungs released the last of my air. The river tossed my body around its bottom, crashing into rocks and other things before someone grabbed me and pulled me toward the surface.

The woman stared down at me, slapping my face as I sputtered, expelling water from my flooded lungs. She turned me over onto my side and then lifted her head toward the direction in which I’d come.

“Get up,” she demanded. “They’re coming.”

She didn’t wait to see if I did as she’d instructed, leaving me to run from the men chasing me. I rolled onto my stomach, sucking in more air past the pain in my chest as I stood on shaking legs. I started forward, following her into the woods to find a place to hide from Lord Andres and his men.

The woman turned, staring over my shoulder as others moved in around me. I slowed down, leaning over to throw up water while they watched. Witches had found me and saved me. I stared at one who moved closer with a dagger in her hand, studying me.

“Thank you,” I whispered through trembling lips.

“Who is chasing you?” she demanded, closing the distance between us.

“Witches. Dark witches and the men who captured me for them,” I admitted, foregoing the murderous nymphs in the water that had tried to ensure I didn’t escape a watery grave.

“They’re coming, Adele!” one of the younger women cried, and the witch moving toward me paused, her eyes filling with regret before they rushed away from me.

“Don’t leave me,” I pleaded, running toward them until the reality of the situation slammed into me. If I followed these witches, I’d lead Lord Andres and his men right to them.

I turned, hating the angry tears of frustration that blinded me as I ran in the opposite direction with my hands still bound behind my back. Branches slapped me in the face, scratching my bare arms, and I gasped as something cut my leg. Staring down, I looked at the sliver of wood protruding from my thigh. I lifted my head just as something slammed into my temple, causing my vision to swim before me.

“Fucking little whore,” Lord Andres snarled.

Someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me back toward the large boulders that littered the riverbank. They slammed me down over one, my stomach lurching with the need to throw up as I watched Lord Andres slowly removing his armor.

“You thought I would allow you to escape me?” he chuckled coldly. “I agreed to let that witch slaughter my entire army Copyright 2016 - 2024