Ruined King (Night Elves Trilogy #2) - C.N. Crawford Page 0,43

you’re coming from, but I just can’t do it. I just can’t accept that there’s some magical bond that prevents me from choosing who I desire, who I love. That it was decided for me by a Norn. To me, that’s not true love. It’s a spell.”

He pulled his hand away from my cheek, and a muscle worked in his jaw. He fell silent, the wind toying with his pale hair. “All right, then. If that’s truly what you want, I will help you break the bond.”

Chapter 24


I sat at my desk, watching the first rays of the sun creep over the Boston skyline. I was exhausted, but my thoughts raced wildly. I knew I needed to think, to come up with some kind of plan, but I was simply too tired to focus.

Well, that was quite the night, Ganglati whispered from some deep recess in my mind. I tried not to think about what he might find while rummaging around in there.

I really don’t have time for you, I replied.

You promised—you vowed your soul, you gave me an oblation.

And I will fulfill that promise.

Suddenly, the fingers in my hand clenched, my bicep contracted, and I found my fingernails piercing my own palm, drawing blood.

Ganglati, I snapped inwardly. It’s 5 a.m. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t help you right now. King Gorm is asleep in his quarters, surrounded by twenty guards, each armed with the most lethal hexes. If I teleported into his room, I’d be struck down in seconds. If I’m dead, I can’t help you.

Construct a spell to protect yourself, he replied.

Again, my fist tightened involuntarily. I was beginning to seriously regret inviting the shade to share my body.

I could do that, but remember, Gorm also has Levateinn. It would overpower any protection spell I could construct. We need to take a stealthy approach. Steal it from him without him noticing. We would do better with Ali’s help.

The shade didn’t answer, but my muscles didn’t clench any tighter, which I took to mean that he understood.

I rose and pulled the curtains closed before I stalked over to my bed. I threw myself on it, not bothering to undress. Sleep was more important, and I probably had only an hour left of it.

As soon as I closed my eyes, Ali’s visage came to me. Dripping wet, fresh from the bath, her silver hair draped over her towel.

I wanted to pull the towel off her.

Why had I told her I would help her break the bond between our souls? I felt as if someone had hollowed out my chest. But perhaps I’d do anything she asked if it made her happy.

I closed my eyes again, determined not to think of her. Sleep—that was the crucial thing. But just as I was drifting off, someone knocked loudly on my door.

My eyes snapped open, and I snarled. I instantly looked to the runes I’d drawn on the door frame. They glowed softly. The door was locked.

I slipped out of bed and snatched a dagger from my desk. The knock sounded again. Louder. Urgent.

“Who is it?”

“Sune and me,” Revna replied.

I groaned. “I was sleeping.”

“The king asked us to talk to you.”

With a quick flick of my fingers, I unlocked the door.

Revna and Sune strode in like they owned the place. Revna plopped herself onto the sofa, while Sune began to wander aimlessly around my room. Between the wandering and his vacant expression, he could almost have been mistaken for a draugr.

“How well do you know the Night Elf?” said Revna.

Every one of the muscles in my body tensed. “Which Night Elf?”

Revna held up her right hand, then bent down her ring finger. She grinned, raising her eyebrows. “The one whose finger I cut off. I thought I saw you canoodling on the barge.”

“Don’t be absurd.”

She leaned forward suddenly, like a snake striking. “She might end up injured if you don’t tell us what we want to hear. Father wants to know what the Night Elves are planning.”

Her voice was like nails scraping inside my skull. “He can ask them himself.”

“Sune, make him talk.”

Suddenly, Sune was by my side. He tugged at the helm, and it began to grow hot, sizzling.

Anger started roiling in me, and I had a very vivid image of myself hurling them off a Citadel tower.

“You’re going to have to do what I say,” Revna trilled.

Do you need my assistance? asked Ganglati. I can take over and temporarily deactivate the helm. A short break from the Helm, and Copyright 2016 - 2024