Ruined King (Night Elves Trilogy #2) - C.N. Crawford Page 0,25

kicking a brick fucking wall, but it worked, and the giant of an elf fell backward in the snow.

“Skalei,” I whispered, leaping up.

I was on him in moments, legs straddling his waist, catching my breath. I brought my dagger up—

Something stopped me. Was it that little smile on his lips? Why was he smiling?

“This is more like the reunion I’d imagined,” he purred.

I started to bring down the dagger again, but he caught my wrist and squeezed—hard. Hard enough I thought he could break it.

Frustration bloomed in me, as well as a fear that I couldn’t actually win this fight. The feeling grew even more when he threw me off him, making me roll in the snow.

Why had I hesitated?


I ran for him again, and he for me. He slammed into me, knocking me backward into an old oak frozen in the middle of the battlefield. His grip on my wrists was crushing, his expression stunned.

“I’m beginning to think you really mean to kill me,” he said breathlessly.

“Oh, I do.”

“And I’m starting to find your knife irritating.”

I headbutted him hard, my skull connecting with his nose. When he stumbled back from me, I lunged again, aiming Skalei straight for his heart. He moved so fast, though, that it was nearly impossible to catch him.

Gods, he was quicker than I’d anticipated. He was like smoke on the wind, elusive.

My momentum began to carry me past him, so I planted my leading foot. Spraying snow around me, I turned back—but too slowly. One of his powerful hands latched around my wrist like a manacle, clutching it hard.

I looked up into his stupidly beautiful face, my vision clouding with rage.

“Why do I feel like you’re actually trying to kill me?” he said, leaning in. I could feel his breath hot on my cheek. His golden eyes seeming to pierce my soul, searing right into me.

They made me feel something I didn’t want to feel, a tightening in my heart. I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore that godlike face, the chiseled cheekbones.

I’d come for death, not to admire a pretty face. But clearly, in my weakened state, I was outmatched. The Sword of the Gods was strong and well-fed, and I would have to fight dirty. Trick him.

“Fine,” I whispered.

Pretending to give up, I dropped Skalei. I watched as relief washed over Galin’s face, his brows knitting earnestly as he began to pull me closer, drawing me into his intoxicating embrace.

He wouldn’t charm me this time. Before the blade had a chance to hit the ground, I recalled her to my free hand. “Skalei.”

Then, I swung hard, driving the blade at his stomach.

But he grabbed my wrists, then twisted me around so that he was behind me with my arms in front. I recalled Skalei, but he had full control of my hands.

His bare chest pressed against my back, his strong arms like steel around me. He was a vice of muscle. “If this is really how you want to spend our time together,” he murmured, “I suppose I won’t object. Maybe you can help me regain my lost love for violence. It’s just that I’d prefer we fight other people, if you don’t mind.”

I felt his muscles flexing around me, and at that moment, I truly regretted his betrayal and that he was my worst enemy. I wished it had been someone revolting.

I bucked backward, shoving my ass into him. He slipped in the snow, off balance, and that was enough to free me. I whirled and kicked him hard in the solar plexus.

As he doubled over, finally, I pressed Skalei upward against the skin of his throat.

“On your knees,” I gasped.

Galin obeyed, his eyes fixed on mine. He genuinely looked perplexed. Did he think I wouldn’t come for him?

“You really think I wouldn’t kill you after what you did?” I said, my voice just loud enough to be heard over the battle. Skalei was ready, sharp as she would ever be. It was finally time for vengeance. “This is for my mother, my father, and all the thousands of Night Elves who’ve died in darkness because of you. This is for the letter you wrote.”

With a jerk, I drew the blade along his jugular.

Only … I didn’t.

His gaze was pulling me to pieces, like he was reading my darkest nightmares, my wildest dreams. My hand went still, and as I stared into his eyes, a warming light seemed to surround me. The air was filled with the scents of flowers and Copyright 2016 - 2024