Ruined - Amy Tintera Page 0,79

wanted her to laugh in his face and tell him he was stupid. He wanted to scream at her, to shake her and tell her he would never forgive her. But the traces of her last words—I am sorry, Cas—lingered in the air, and he couldn’t bring himself to say anything at all.

“Should we tie up his legs?”

Em looked over at the sound of Iria’s voice and shook her head. “No, I think he’s fine.”

Cas glared at Iria. They’d stopped not long after the sun set, and he’d collapsed against a tree without a word. Em suspected he was far too tired to run.

Em sat down on the ground near him, watching as Miguel leaned over and muttered something to Francisco. It was dark, but the moonlight cast a glow over their faces, and they both seemed to be very pointedly avoiding her.

Koldo stopped in front of her, offering some dried meat. She took two pieces and passed one to Cas.

“Thanks, Koldo,” she said, smiling at him.

He mumbled, “You’re welcome,” without meeting her eyes, pink spots appearing on his cheeks.

She tore off a hunk of meat with her teeth and watched as Koldo handed a piece to Iria. None of the men had talked to Iria much since she’d defended Em, but Koldo looked visibly uncomfortable just being near her. Iria stretched her legs out in front of her, apparently oblivious.

“I’m going to see if I can find some bananas,” Aren said.

“No,” Em said quickly, hopping to her feet. “I’ll do it. Will you stay here and watch him?” She gestured at Cas.

Aren’s head tilted, like he knew something was wrong. She touched his arm as she passed him.

“They’re planning something,” she murmured. “I’ll stay close by. Let them think I’ve left you and Cas alone.”

He barely nodded, and she let her hand drop from his arm as she walked away. She walked into the thick trees, making noisy footsteps as she jogged into the darkness. Then she stopped, silently doubling back.

She ducked under a vine, crouching behind a bush. Francisco, Koldo, and Iria were exactly where she’d left them. Miguel was gone.

She slowly removed her sword from her belt, casting a quick glance around her.

A cricket jumped across the ground in front of her, and she watched as it disappeared into the darkness. Rustling noises and chirps echoed from the jungle, making it difficult to hear if someone was nearby.

She waited several minutes, barely breathing. Finally, Miguel emerged from the trees behind Aren, making a slow and silent approach. A piece of cloth dangled from his hands. Probably for Aren’s eyes. If they blindfolded him, he wouldn’t be able to use his Ruined magic, and she and Cas were screwed.

Francisco had moved in front of Iria, standing over her and blocking her view of Aren. Em watched as Miguel took another step toward Aren.

“Aren, behind you!” she yelled.

Aren sprang to his feet and whirled around. Miguel’s arm swung straight up, the blindfold fluttering to the ground. The arm twisted backward with a horrible crunch.

Miguel’s scream echoed through the trees as Em darted out of the bushes. Cas scrambled to his feet, stumbling as his bound wrists threw him off balance. Francisco rushed at him, sword drawn. Cas barely jumped out of the way in time.

Francisco lifted his sword again, and Em ducked beneath it, planting herself between him and Cas. The warrior’s blade crashed against hers, and she quickly blocked his next attack.

Miguel’s screams made Francisco glance away for half a second, and Em lunged. She drove her sword into his side, aiming to wound, not kill. If she was ever going to make peace with the warriors, it was best not to leave them dead.

She grabbed Cas by the ropes around his wrists and sliced her blade through them.

“Aren! Sword!” she yelled, holding her hand out.

He turned away from Miguel, tossing her Cas’s stolen sword. She caught it and thrust it into Cas’s hand.

“The horses,” she said, jerking her head in their direction.

Cas’s eyes widened at something behind her. He slammed his hands down on her shoulders so hard she crumpled to the ground. He leaned back as Koldo’s blade sailed over Em’s head.

Em kicked Koldo’s knee, and the warrior went down with a yelp. “Go!” she yelled at Cas.

He ran past Iria. She stood a few paces away, her mouth in an O as she surveyed the scene.

Koldo scrambled across the dirt, his hand reaching for Em’s ankle. His wrist cracked suddenly, the back of his hand Copyright 2016 - 2024