Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,67

around. Where are you, baby? I miss you.

Truth was, he’d begun to doubt Dae would ever come back. It had now been nine days since he’d disappeared, and every morning Ben woke alone, hope dwindled.

Hemmy set the tray down and sauntered over to Ben, two beers in his hands. He handed one over. “Here you go, I noticed you were dry.” He watched as Ben expertly turned the chicken to crisp the skin. “You heard from Dan?”

Ben shook his head. “Yeah, he’s good. Still sorting things out up there. Hopefully, he’ll be home soon.” He took the chicken off the grill and slid it onto a clean plate. “That can go inside. I’ll put the rest of the meat on to cook.”

“Hey, Ben, can you be the voice of reason please?” Hazel and her newest partner appeared at Ben’s side. “Raj is telling me to use creme fraiche in my beef stroganoff and I still think there’s nothing better than proper cream. I know you’ve made this dish before, what do you think?”

Ben shrugged. “I prefer to use sour cream because it’s not as calorific as creme fraiche. It’s a personal thing, so you’re both right unless you’re watching your weight.” He grinned. “Which you always seem to be doing, Haze. I don’t know why. You’re perfect as you are.” He slid another piece of steak onto the grill and watched in pleasure as it sizzled and spat.

Hazel preened. “Aww, you say the sweetest things.”

Raj chuckled and put his arm around her. “I tell you the same thing and you tell me I’m a liar? He says it and you call him sweet?”

Ben prodded Raj with his spatula. “Welcome to relationship wiles, my friend.”

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. “Ben, have you seen Mal? He went off to get me another drink and I can’t find him.”

Ryan stood, swaying slightly on his feet. His dark hair was mussed, his lips pouty. Ben surmised Ryan and Mal had been holding an epic make-out session somewhere. Ryan’s new boyfriend was slim, cute, and had green hair. Ryan was enamoured with him, and Mal with Ryan. They were adorable.

“He went into the garden hut to grab an extra deck chair.” Ben waved over towards the hut at the bottom of the garden. “I haven’t seen him come out yet, though. Maybe you were supposed to join him?” He winked at Ryan, who smiled sunnily.

“Oh, you think? Thanks, Ben.” He tottered off to the hut, and Ben shook his head in amusement. No doubt Mal had an ulterior motive for disappearing.

Hemmy laughed. “That boy has had enough to drink, I’m thinking. Time to cut him off.”

Ben looked around for his special steak spice. He couldn’t see it anywhere and handed the metal spatula to Hemmy. “Here, take over for a minute. I need my super spice to season these steaks.”

He scooted off to the kitchen, passing Hazel and Raj making out on the garden bench under the rose trellis. Ben felt a twinge of envy. He wanted to be doing that, kissing Dae until their lips were numb, and making love in the bed upstairs until both of them lost their minds.

Dae, you’d better be home soon, no matter what, because I can’t do without you. Please come home. Please.

“Where are you,” he muttered as he searched the cupboard. “I know I saw you here the other day. Where the hell are you?”

“Right behind you,” came a soft reply.

Ben stood stock-still, heart thundering in his chest, hoping beyond all hope he wasn’t dreaming that familiar voice.

“Aren’t you going to turn around?” the voice asked in amusement. “I’ve been gone a while and all you can do is stand there?”

“Dae,” Ben gasped and turned so fast he thought he might have injured his neck. “You’re back.”

Dae nodded. “I am. I’m not going away from you ever again.” He looked a little tired, but he was still Dae. Dressed in soft yoga pants and a clear, lemon-hued chiffon top, he was a beloved sight, and Ben wanted to whoop for joy.

Instead, he hurled himself at his lover, wrapping him up tight, finding his mouth with the desperation of a fish out of water. Dae’s hands encircled Ben’s waist as they pulled together like magnets, and the warmth and passion of their kisses catapulted Ben to that place he felt most at home. In Dae’s arms.

When they’d quieted their immediate need to kiss each other senseless, they pulled apart and Ben held Dae’s face in trembling hands, Copyright 2016 - 2024