Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,62

gamble and there was no guarantee it would work.

Ben sensed a change in the air around them. They looked at each other as the room became scented with the faint perfume of jasmine and a haze began to rise from the ground, permeating the room with steamy clouds as it took over.

Ben grabbed onto Dae. Oh God, is he disappearing? He didn’t seem as solid as a moment ago. Lethargy overtook Ben and he couldn’t stop his eyelids from closing. He desperately tried to stay awake but something was taking hold of his senses and he could no longer resist the pull of sleep.

Perhaps if he had a quick nap, he’d wake up and everything would be fine. Perhaps this was the way it was all supposed to work.

That last thing he remembered was his hand dropping to his side as he lost his grip on Dae.

Then Ben tumbled to the floor.


Something wet and smelling vaguely fishy was licking Ben’s face. He opened his eyes drowsily as a lolling tongue wet with drool lapped at his lips. It was gross, and Ben pushed the furry beast assailing him away with a shout of disgust.

“Ugh, Tess. Take that tongue of yours away, you beast. Only Dae’s tongue has any right to be in my mouth.” He shook his head groggily and sat up. As the fog in his head cleared, he realised what had happened before he passed out, and he shot to his feet, looking around in panic.

“Dae? Are you here?” The mist or whatever it had been was gone, and the only beings in the room were him and Tess, who sat at his feet, tail wagging.

Ben dashed out the door, into the hallway, calling Dae’s name as he tore down the passage.

“Baby, are you here? Oh hell, please tell me you are.”

It was a few torturous minutes later when Ben finally stopped, his heart breaking, and he faced the truth.

It hadn’t worked.

Dae was gone.

Chapter 17

Dae awoke to the sound of tinkling bells, the scent of warm spices and sandalwood, and warmed air against his cheeks. He blinked sleepily then smiled, turning to snuggle up to Ben in the bed.

“Babe, have we overslept and we’re in summer already? I think that’s a good idea, hibernating through the cold winter—”

His eyes flicked wider open when he found nothing but space. He was alone on a bed of reeds covered with soft, fragrant moss. Covering him was a soft blanket made of fine wool. Apprehension tickled him with feather-light caresses and he sat up, now wide awake.

He knew this place. Knew it well. It had been the place he’d been sent to in despair when he’d learned he was about to be exiled from the Kingdom, sent to Calado’r away from everything he knew and loved.

The Lady Mage had comforted him back then and told him she was sorry she hadn’t been able to help more. He’d cried until he was exhausted and she’d settled him on the reed mat with a promise to make his transition into the lamp as comfortable as she could. She’d been true to her promise even though his heart had been broken.

“Good, you’re awake.” The soft lilting tones of Lady Mage Elicia spun through his brain like strands of silk. “Welcome back, Daeliel Jadu Alario. My home is your home. May you find comfort and solace here.”

She sat on a stool by the open window, through which sunlight streamed. Her dress of pale white lace and silver swirled around her as if a gentle breeze caressed her like a lover. Her pale blue eyes regarded him in sympathy, no doubt understanding his writhing thoughts. During their last conversation, she’d seemed to understand his feelings for Ben and the world he’d found himself in.

Dae sat up wildly, clutching the blanket to him like a life jacket. “My Lady. Thank you for your blessing.” Manners were bred into young Quimarians, and even while Dae wanted to scream in anguish, his parents’ teaching came to the fore.

Comfort and solace, however, wasn’t what he wanted right now. Now he wanted answers. He wanted to be back with Ben, who was no doubt going into a full panic.

He cleared his throat and inclined his head graciously. “May I ask what my…erm…situation is?”

Please let Ben’s wishes have worked. Sweet silver sands and by the beard of Beza, please let me be able to go home.

The Lady Mage’s eyes gleamed both with amusement and compassion. “My child, did you think your Ben’s Copyright 2016 - 2024