Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,58

and planted a soft kiss on Ben’s lips then drew back and cocked a brow. “Well? Come on. Tell me.”

Ben’s insides churned. “I’m not sure I should. It’s a bit of a selfish wish and assumes a lot.”

Dae shrugged. “I won’t know until you tell me, will I?”

Ben nodded. “Okay then. Here goes. Bear in mind I don’t know how it would work, or if you’d want it to work, even if it is at all possible, but—”

“Ben, for fuck’s sake, please stop rabbiting on and get to the point.” Dae waved a hand in frustration.

“What if my last wish was for you to become human?” Ben blurted. “So you could stay here on Earth?”

Dae’s jaw dropped. “Become human? Are you out of your mind? That would never work as a wish, and it’s never been done before.” He laughed bitterly. “Even if it did, how could I see my family if I wasn’t allowed home?”

“I have no clue how this all works,” Ben admitted. “I also remember you saying you had the power to grant a third wish at your discretion? What if I made that extra wish to allow you to visit your old world occasionally and see your family again?” He knew he was clutching at straws, but surely, if it hadn’t been done before, there could be no precedent and therefore, perhaps room for some creativity from the powers-that-be?

“That has to be the strangest wish ever,” Dae said, a faint smile on his face. “I’m not saying I don’t like the sound of it, though.” There was a look of yearning on his face. “If I could have the best of both worlds, I might even say make the wishes.”

He frowned. “But what if you made them and they didn’t work? I could get catapulted back to Calado’r without any warning, and neither of us would benefit. Although…” His expression grew thoughtful. “I did read some of the blasted manual and I remember it saying that all wishes had to be granted as they were requested, unless it contravened one of the many rules on health, sickness, bringing people back from the dead, etc.”

“Is there any way you could ask your friend the Lady Mage what could happen before I make the wishes?” Ben asked. “So we didn’t mess anything up?”

Dae looked at Ben. “Baby, we have only three days left,” he said softly. “Whatever happens, I’m back in the lamp then, whether you make a wish or not. Whether any wish you make works or not. We don’t have a lot to lose, do we?”

Ben’s throat ached. “So, if we waited ‘til the last minute, then I make the wish, we’d be no worse off. What do you think?”

He waited with bated breath while Dae considered the idea. It was a huge decision and Dae had the most to lose.

“Are you sure about this?” Dae caressed Ben’s cheek. “Would you be ready to have me here with you permanently? Do you think what we have together is enough for us to make such a momentous decision?”

Ben had no doubts. “I love having you here, and I can’t bear the thought of you leaving. I’d like nothing more than to come home to you each night.”

Dae’s face softened. “I feel the same. It scares the fuck out of me.” He leaned in and took Ben’s lips in a rich, passionate kiss, slipping his tongue into Ben’s mouth with a familiarity that promised many more to come. Ben pulled Dae on top of him, clasping his hands on Dae’s hips, loving the feel of the firm, fragranced body against his.

“We can have plenty more of this,” Ben nuzzled Dae’s throat, thrilling at the murmur of pleasure his partner made, “and this.” His hand rubbed against the bulge in Dae’s groin, encouraging Dae to press harder against his hand.

“And this.” Dae smiled against Ben’s lips as he slid a hand underneath Ben’s shirt and tweaked his nipple. Ben groaned and thrust his hips against Dae’s. Their cocks rubbed together and as their mouths explored each other’s with hunger, Ben thought he’d rather be nowhere else.

“This isn’t all we have,” Ben murmured as he clutched Dae closer and their movements became erratic as they rutted against each other. “We have more than great sex in common. You know that, right?”

I think I’m falling in love with you if I’m not already there.

Dae pulled away and regarding him with glittering, heavy-lidded eyes filled with understanding. “I know,” he said softly, Copyright 2016 - 2024