Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,55

We’re your friends, and I promised Haze I wouldn’t say anything, but…”

Ben heard the hurt in Hemmy’s voice and sighed. The pretence was up and to be honest, it would be good to have someone to share his worries with. Even if he couldn’t tell them the full story as they’d have him in a straitjacket before the day was out.

“Okay, so he’s not my cousin. He’s someone I care a lot about, and he’s also the one causing my grey hair at the moment.”

Hemmy punched his shoulder. “I knew it. Haze said I had to leave you until you wanted to talk about it, but this is better.” He whooped with delight. “I know something she doesn’t. Perhaps I should start an office poll about when you two are going to admit you’re into each other, then pocket the winnings…”

His face creased in thought and Ben scowled at him. “Don’t be an arse. I don’t need anyone betting on my love life, thank you very much.” He finished off his egg mayo sandwich and crumpled the plastic bag up to pop in his pocket. “Things are a little complicated right now.”

Hemmy shoved the rest of his sandwich into his wide mouth and chewed. “That’s what everyone says.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full. It’s disgusting,” Ben said gruffly.

How the hell am I going to tell him anything without revealing the whole truth?

“So is his name Dan, then? Is he actually from Scotland? Because I have to tell you, mate, his accent keeps slipping.” Hemmy burped and waved a hand at Ben. “Come on, spill the beans. I thought I was your bestie?”

“That remains to be seen,” Ben muttered. “Why are you and Hazel so invested in my love life anyway? Haven’t you got your own to deal with?” He couldn’t resist. “Did you ever get a second date with that lass from Jamaica? The one who slapped you in the face and stormed out of the restaurant?” He snorted. “If you can call a McDonald’s a restaurant.”

Hemmy wiggled his bushy eyebrows. “Ooh, scorch. Yeah, that was a bit of a mess-up. She thought I was playing a joke on her, and we were going to Chez Donaldo, that fancy place in Fareham.” He chuckled. “I still think I stand a chance with her, though.”

Ben rolled his eyes. “Don’t embarrass yourself any further, Hem. Leave that one be.” He stood as the workers trailed back to the worksite. “Come on, let’s get out of their way.” He turned to look at the building behind him. “It’s going up quickly, isn’t it? It’s going to look amazing when it’s done.”

Hemmy nodded as he stood, and they began their walk back to the central admin office to check what was next in their respective diaries. “I still can’t believe someone anonymously donated a hundred thousand smackers to the zoo. I’ve never seen Hazel so happy. There’s so much can be done with the money.”

Ben hugged his secret to himself, along with a warm, tingly feeling in his chest he’d done something right. “It was a surprise all right. Almost magical.”

“So, let’s get back to you and Dan, then,” Hemingway said as they walked down the winding paths to the main building. “Is his name really Dan?”

“No, his name is Dae. D-A-E. He isn’t from Scotland, either. He’s, um, from abroad.”

“You and he are an item then? Is he planning on spending more time around here, maybe moving in?”

The ache in Ben’s heart, one he’d forgotten about briefly from his banter with Hemmy, flared back up. “I’m not sure. That’s half the problem.”

“Tell me,” Hemmy said softly. “You’ll feel better talking about it to a buddy.”

Ben sighed. “The past couple of days, he’s been off. I mean, really quiet as if he doesn’t want to be in the same room with me. I don’t know what I’ve done, and he won’t talk about it.”

The tension at home was awkward and unmistakable. For two days, Dae had been uncommunicative, responding only in monosyllables and half-hearted enthusiasm to any of Ben’s suggestions for dinner or going out. He also wasn’t sleeping in Ben’s bed anymore, a situation that hurt more than anything.

“I thought we had something special, but he’s like another person. We’ve become strangers.”

Hemmy hummed. “Sounds like something’s troubling him. The few times I’ve met him, he’s always been open and social.”

“I’ve asked him what’s wrong, he says ‘nothing,’ and gets this sad look in his eyes.” Ben punched out at a leafy bush branch Copyright 2016 - 2024