Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,94

staff in the castle is used to me. I don’t like being coddled or treated like…well, like royalty. I dress myself, I drive myself, I do most thing without the help of my staff.

This driver obviously isn’t used to that. I smile at him, slipping some money into his hand as a tip before grabbing my suitcase. I packed light, because I don’t own any cold weather clothes, and I don’t intend to be here long.

If Luca will listen to reason, I’m hoping we can get out of here at the break of dawn tomorrow and be back in the sunshine and warmth by noon.

Easy, right?

Setting my small suitcase on the front porch, I ring the doorbell. I take a step back, clasping my hands behind me as I wait for the door to open.

Light, quick footsteps approach on the other side. The lock slides, and the heavy door swings inward.

My breath catches.

I’ve seen pictures of Margot LeBlanc. I’ve seen her in half a dozen films, and I respect her skills as an actor.

But, damn. Cameras do not do her justice.

I guess a part of me just assumed that it was Photoshop. I didn’t think she’d actually be this breathtaking in person.

Her long, waist-length blonde hair is swept to one side. Bright blue eyes stare back at me, and her full, kissable lips fall open. She drags her eyes down my body and back up again, and I’m surprised at how much I enjoy her gaze.

Heat follows her eyes, sending little tendrils of pleasure snaking through my veins. I let a grin tug at my lips, arching an eyebrow.

Margot’s almost as tall as I am, with a thin waist and gorgeous curves. My eyes keep wanting to drop down to her body, but it’s her eyes that are magnetic. Deep pools of blue stare back at me.

I clear my throat, but I still can’t seem to make words.

This is why I don’t go out. This is why I hate the public eye. I clam up.

Margot’s face breaks into a polite smile. “You must be Todd,” she says. “Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

I frown. Who’s Todd?

Before I can answer, Margot slides some slippers on her feet and motions for me to follow her. We head around the house, and my eyes stay glued to the movement of her ass. She glances over her shoulder, and my eyes snap up to hers.

“Is your truck out on the street? I’ll let security know to let you in. I thought I mentioned you were coming, but it’s been so busy with my sister’s bakery re-opening that it must have slipped my mind.”

“Uh, no, actually. They let me in.”

Because I’m the Prince of Argyle and I’m here to see my brother.

“Oh, good,” she smiles. “Here’s the pool. I think the pump is burned out. It just won’t turn on. The electricity went out yesterday, and I think there was a power surge when it came back on. I’m not an electrician, though. You are,” she laughs, the sound sending another wave of heat through me. “We’re hoping to drain a few inches off it this week to get it ready for winter, but my house manager was saying it would be best to have you take a look at it before we take too much water out.”

Her smile is polite. Guarded. She points to a waist-high wooden box, flipping open the lid to reveal the pool pump.

“You think you can fix it?”

“Dante!” My brother Luca throws open the sliding glass door and strides out of the house. His smile stretches from ear to ear.

He looks happier than he did even a couple of weeks ago when I saw him in Argyle. Maybe the cold weather suits him.

Maybe Ivy suits him.

Margot makes a soft noise. “Dante?”

I glance at her, smiling. “Yeah.”

Luca bounds around the pool and wraps his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. “Good to see you, brother.”

“Brother?” Margot repeats, her eyes widening. A blush stains her cheeks as horror fills her eyes.

“Margot, this is my brother, Prince Dante of Argyle. Don’t be fooled by his size, though. He’s a shy little teddy bear.”

Luca wraps me in a headlock and rubs his knuckles over my head. I yelp, trying to spin away from him, but my brother won’t let go. I shift my weight, trying to push him off me.

His arm stays firmly wrapped around my neck, gently crushing my airway.

Panic starts to lace my blood. I don’t like being Copyright 2016 - 2024