Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,85

I readjust my position and try over and over to get comfortable in the tiny hospital bed.

I feel completely powerless.

“Well, if the E. coli bacteria was someone being malicious, at least that means you know the bakery wasn’t unsanitary,” Georgie says, arching her brows.

I snort. “Yeah, that makes it so much better.” Shaking my head, I sigh. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Just take a few days to figure things out, Ivy.” Giselle smiles sadly at me. “It’ll work out.”

I nod, not sure if I believe her. How is everything going to work out?

My sister won’t talk to me, my boyfriend is better off in his own country, my business has fallen apart. I don’t want to wallow in self-pity, but what else is there to do? Unless I know who contaminated my pastries, how can I stop it from happening again?

“I don’t want anyone to get sick by eating my stuff,” I say, shaking my head. “What if the delivery to the castle had been contaminated? What if I’d inadvertently poisoned the King?”

Tears sting my eyes as frustration and hopelessness bubble up inside me. I let my hand drift over my stomach, staring at my abdomen.

Through it all, as my entire world falls apart around me, I have to come to terms with the fact that there’s a baby growing inside me.

I love the love that the twins and their brothers are showering on me. I love having their support. But right now, I just want to suffer in peace. Their presence is stifling, and I feel like I can’t think with so many people in the room.

Georgina motions for her siblings to leave the room. She can read my mind. Irving clears his throat and stands up. We say our goodbyes, and I somehow manage to keep it together until everyone but me and the twins are gone.

As soon as the door closes, though, I burst into tears.

“What am I going to do, Georgie?”

“Well, right now, you’re going to get yourself better. The doctor said that they’ll keep you here until you’re clear of the bacterial infection, so you’ll stay here until they release you. Then, you’ll call that Prince and tell him he’s going to be a father. Then, you’ll go to your sister and tell her to stop being such a selfish asshole. Finally, you’ll go back to that bakery, make some cupcakes, and open the doors.”

Giselle squeezes my hand, nodding at me. “She’s right.”

“Okay?” Georgie asks, tilting her head. Her hair color is fading now, leaving pale blue streaks at the ends.

I gulp. “Okay.”

When my friends leave, I lay back on the pillows and let out a sigh. It sounded so easy when Georgie said it, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do any of what she said.

How am I supposed to open the bakery back up when I don’t know who tried to poison me? It’s not just me that they hurt. It’s my customers.

It’s my baby.

I curl onto my side and let my tears soak into the pillow. It feels good to cry, but when I wipe my face and pull myself together, nothing has changed.

Closing my eyes, I think of the life that’s growing inside me.

If I set aside Margot, and the bakery, and even my love for the Prince, all that’s left is my unborn child. No matter what, I need to do what’s right for my baby.

I wrap my arms around myself and hang onto that thought. Before, I was adrift in a sea of misery. I was lost.

Now, I’ve found an anchor.

My child.

I sit up in the bed and bring my knees up to my chest. I lean my chin on my knees and sway softly from side to side.

Doing right by this baby will be the one guiding factor that leads me through this mess. What happens with the bakery is irrelevant. What happens with Margot doesn’t matter.

Even if she never speaks to me again, and even if the bakery falls apart, I still have to take care of this child. My child.

With a sigh, I let go of the panic that’s been gripping my heart. I turn a corner, finding strength inside me that I never knew existed.

I still don’t know what I’ll do. I still don’t know how I’ll tell Luca, or what will happen with my sister.

The only thing I do know is that I’ll be the best mother I can be.



I’m going to lose Ivy. I know I am. I could hear Copyright 2016 - 2024