Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,76

run your own business? So, do it. But you’re not riding on my coattails anymore.”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Tears sting my eyes.

She tilts her head. “I just saw a poll online, and apparently sixty-eight percent of people think you’re prettier than me.”

I shake my head as my chest hollows out. “Margot, that’s just the internet. It’s stupid.”

Margot scoffs. “I can’t believe I never saw it before, but they’re right. You are pretty, with those big, unique eyes of yours and all your multitude of talents. What am I? A washed-up starlet with an anxiety disorder, and—” She stops herself, inhaling sharply.

Hunter’s lips twist into a cruel smile. “The articles say his nickname for you is ‘Poison.’” He scoffs. “That’s accurate. You’re nothing but a poison to this family.”

How did the media know that?

My thoughts swirl around me, and I blink back a fresh wave of tears. Margot’s face is impassive, and Hunter motions toward the door.

“Let me grab a few things,” I say, squeezing the words out through my tightening throat. I trudge up the stairs and put my things into a bag, not even sure where I’ll sleep tonight. The bakery? Georgina and Giselle’s house?

When I go back downstairs, Hunter has his arms around Margot’s shoulders. They watch me leave, and the weight of their stares almost crushes me. When I get to my Vespa, I lean against it and let myself cry.

With trembling hands, I dial Luca’s number. He answers on the second ring.

“Hey, babe.” His voice is like a soothing balm on my aching heart.

“They know.”

“I shouldn’t have left.”

“They kicked me out,” I sob. “I’m going to the twins’ house. I knew Margot wouldn’t be happy.”

Luca lets out a string of expletives, saying he’ll be on the first flight back. As I cry, I manage to talk him out of it. I know he has to be with his family. We both have our own things to deal with, and I don’t want to be the one to pull him away from it.

Luca’s quiet for a second, and finally sighs. “Why would they think I would continue pretending to be with Margot after she gets out of the facility, when everyone knows that she overdosed? That wasn’t in the contract. I’m with you.”

I frown, taking a breath as I process his words. My head is a mess. I’m vaguely insulted by what he just said, but I can’t figure out why. He wouldn’t want to be seen with Margot when she gets out of the retreat?

I shake my head.

It doesn’t matter—he’s not with her. He’s with me.

He just said so.

Still, that familiar protective instinct arches up inside me. “What’s that supposed to mean? Why does it matter that Margot left to go heal herself? You should be supportive of her. You should be happy for her. For me.”

Luca lets out a sigh. I imagine him raking his fingers through his hair. “I am.”

“Didn’t sound like it.” I stare into nothing, trying to understand why I’m mad. Margot just kicked me out, and now I’m defending her? What’s wrong with me?

Maybe it’s just the tiredness that seems to be sinking deeper and deeper into my bones with every passing day. Maybe it’s the emotion of seeing those pictures online.

Maybe it’s the fact that after everything is said and done, I still care about my sister more than I care about anything else. Even when she hurts me, kicks me out, and treats me like I mean nothing to her.

Luca groans on the other side of the line. “I’m with you, Ivy. I didn’t mean to insult your sister. If I could, I’d jump on a jet and be there first thing in the morning. I love you, Ivy. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

“It’s just that, you know… Being seen with her would have a negative impact on the royal family of Argyle. You understand that, right? It would never be allowed. But it’s a moot point, because I’m not with her. I’m with you.”

I don’t know how to respond.

“So it’s okay to be with the sister of someone who overdosed? Wouldn’t that impact your reputation, too? Am I soiled goods now, as well?”

Luca takes a deep breath. “I’ll deal with my family. They’ve seen the articles, and they haven’t kicked me out.” I can hear the grin in his voice, but I don’t laugh.

“Too soon, Luca.”

“Sorry, babe. I just want to be with you, Ivy. You know that.”

I nod my head, sniffling, but a torrent of Copyright 2016 - 2024