Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,73

I think I’ve made a mistake by telling her how I feel—but that feeling evaporates when she throws her arms around me and crushes her lips against mine.

“I love you too, Your Highness,” she says against my lips. “Luca. My Prince.”

I groan as my heart thumps against hers, holding her close to my body.

“Let’s get you home before I sit you up on that table again and fuck you senseless.”

“I mean, that doesn’t sound too bad, either,” Ivy grins. How she’s gone from a shy, uncertain girl to the vixen before me is a mystery, and one that I’m happy to accept.

I think I’m in a rose-colored haze when we exit the bakery, because again, I don’t look for photographers. I don’t even think about them.

I just walk Ivy to the passenger’s side of the car and cage her against it, kissing her viciously. My cock is hard again already, and she reaches between me to feel it, giggling in that sexy way that only she has.

We kiss like no one’s watching—like I’m about to bend her over the hood of the car and start round 2…

…until I hear the familiar sound of a camera shutter clicking.

The haze dissipates in an instant, and I’m on high alert.

“Fuck,” I whisper.

Ivy’s eyes are wide. She ducks into the car as the photographer comes closer, and I rush to the driver’s side. We screech out of the parking lot, and Ivy rubs her hands over her eyes.

“Oh, no.”

“It’s okay,” I say, sliding my hand over her thigh. “It’s fine. I want people to know.”

“I was hoping I could tell Margot myself…” Her eyebrows arch, and she cringes.

“She’ll understand.”

“It’s a lot to take in on the day you get out of an isolated retreat.”

“Maybe they won’t publish the photos right away.”

My thoughts flick to my own situation, when I learned that Cara had shacked up with Theo the day that I got out of the hospital in Singapore. Shame coats the back of my throat, and I shake my head.

It’s not the same. I was never with Margot—not really. I kissed her once. It was all fake.

Sliding my hand over Ivy’s thigh, I give it a squeeze and flash her what I hope is an encouraging smile. “It’ll be fine, Poison.”

She nods. “I hope so.” Her fingers thread into mine as she stares out the window.

My chest squeezes, and I force myself to take a full breath. I have to believe my own words. It’ll be fine. Margot will understand. Nothing bad will come of a few paparazzi pictures. It’s nothing new, and nothing I can’t handle.

But judging by the look on Ivy’s face, she’s not as used to them as I am. She’s used to being in the background. Used to seeing her sister’s face in the tabloids—not her own.

I stop the car outside Ivy’s house, and she gives me a sad smile.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“Do you want me to come in? We could tell your sister together.”

Ivy shakes her head. “I’d better do it on my own. It’ll be better that way.”

“You sure?”

Ivy nods.

I kiss her gently. “I’ll be back soon. Theo said he has something to tell me, and he wants to do it in person.”

Ivy leans over the center console to give me a kiss. We linger there until I pull away.

“I have to go. The jet is waiting for me.”

Ivy sighs, kissing me one last time. “See you soon.”

She waves at me as I drive away, and I feel like we’ve turned a corner. Even if her sister is surprised, it doesn’t matter. Ivy and I can brave the media and go public with our relationship. I can tell my family, her family, the entire world that she’s the woman for me. I can hold her hand in public and call her mine.

Even if she’s worried about Margot, I know that this is a good thing.

Just me, and Ivy, and our love.

Or at least…that’s what I hope is going to happen.

The flight from Farcliff to Argyle is just over three hours. My home Kingdom is an island nation, just south of the Bahamas. As soon as we land, I glance at the palm trees and let a smile drift over my lips.

I can’t wait to show Ivy my home.

Leaning my head against the private jet’s window, I look at the tarmac and let out a sigh. The flight crew flips the staircase down and nod at me as I disembark. A royal car is waiting to take Copyright 2016 - 2024