Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,7

head around to stare at him, only to see a disgusting smirk on his face.

I arch an eyebrow. “I’d rather eat sand.”

Hunter shrugs, staring at his nails. “Your loss. I could show you what you’ve been missing.”

“Barf. Please leave.”

He stares at me pointedly, and I sigh, wiping my damp hands on my jeans.

“Fine. I’m going. They can have this whole entire mansion to use as their fuck-palace in peace. Anything for my dear old sister.”

“Good.” Hunter pushes himself off the doorjamb and gives me his back. He pauses, looking over his shoulder to grin at me. “Offer still stands if you want to come to my place.”

“I just threw up a little in my mouth.”

Hunter scoffs and walks back down the hall. His shoes echo on the marble floors, and I wait until I hear the door slam before I move from the kitchen. My shoulders sink, and I make my way to my bedroom to pack a small bag.

Taking my cell phone, I dial my best friend’s number.

“Hey, Miss Ivy,” Georgina says as she answers. “I see your sister is moving up in the world.”

“Don’t remind me. Her agent is basically a pimp. It’s disgusting. I have to leave my own house so they can have sex.”

“Ew. Doesn’t your house have, like, a million bedrooms? Why do they need the whole place? Is your sister a screamer?”

“Please don’t.” I shake my head. I try to fight the grin off my face.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t be gross. I have enough of that in my day-to-day life.”

Georgie giggles. “Sorry. You want to meet me at the diner? Giselle and I are just finishing up our shift, and Marcus made some extra pie for us. He’s testing out a new recipe.”

“Be there in twenty.”

“I’ll have the milkshakes ready and waiting.”

I hang up the phone and let out a relieved breath. I’ve known Georgie and Giselle since I was in kindergarten. The twins have been by my side since we were six years old, through Margot getting famous, through my mother passing away, through my father leaving us to travel the world with his new lover—through everything.

They’re my rock, and the only people that can make me feel better about being kicked out of my own house so that my sister can have a dirty, royal sex-fest.

To be honest, all the siblings have been a bit of a surrogate family for me. There are seven of them—five boys plus the twins—and they treat me as their eighth family member.

I hear the sound of a car engine coming up our long drive, so I hurry out through the back door. My Vespa scooter is parked at the side of the house, and I steal a peek around the corner of the house. My leather jacket creaks as I inch closer to the corner, poking just a fraction of my head around so I can see.

My sister is giggling and slinging her arms around the Prince as they stumble up the pathway to the front door. He’s taller than I expected, and even from a distance, in the darkness, I can see that he’s devastatingly handsome. My chest squeezes when I see him sweep his hand around my sister’s lower back, locking his lips with hers.

With my head poking around the corner, I can see her melting in his arms. She lets out a moan, and the Prince tangles his fingers in her hair. My eyes widen and a dagger of heat passes through my stomach.

I wonder if anyone will ever touch me like that? I can almost feel the need rolling off them in waves.

Hunter is correct. I’m a virgin. I’ve kissed a couple of guys—usually drunkenly, after they resigned themselves to the fact that they were never going to score with my sister—but I’ve never had a man touch me like the Prince is touching my sister.

My fingers curl around the edge of the building and I stare at the two of them, watching how the Prince’s hand sinks into my sister’s skin, how she melts into him and presses her body against his.

There’s a tightening around my eyes as I squint at them, my hands gripping onto the corner of the mansion. My lips part as my ribs squeeze me breathless. The Prince lets out a low groan, pulling my sister’s body into his.

Lucifer cackles and pats the seat he reserved for me in hell.

I know it’s weird. I’m watching my sister make out with someone…and I think I’m kind of turned on? Or Copyright 2016 - 2024