Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,65

hoping it would be fully finished, but the painters are in next week, and the main sign out front is still being manufactured. I just got impatient and I wanted to show you right away. I have some tables and chairs on order, as well, and they’re arriving in three days. I figure it’ll take us a few weeks, maybe a month, to get this place finished and get the menu finalized so you can open.” I go to the cash register and pull her folder out from the shelf underneath. “I hope you don’t mind, I broke into your pool house and borrowed this.”

“My dream folder.”

“Your reality folder,” I grin. “I haven’t purchased any ingredients yet, because I didn’t know if you were particular about types of flour and sugar, or whatever.” I shrug. “I don’t know anything about baking.”

Ivy is still standing there, letting her eyes wander over the whole place. Finally, she looks at me and her face breaks into a smile. She throws her arms around my neck. I stumble back, catching myself on the display case as I laugh.

“Luca! Oh my goodness…” Ivy pulls back, threading her fingers through my hair. “This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. I don’t deserve this.”

“Stop.” I shake my head, tightening my grip on her waist. “Stop right there. You deserve every bit of it. I haven’t known you a long time, but in the time that I’ve known you, all you’ve done is live your life for other people. You can’t put your dreams on hold forever. You deserve this, and you’re going to do an amazing job.”

Tears stream down Ivy’s face, and I brush them away with the pads of my thumbs. I press my lips to hers, feeling the way she trembles against me. Ivy clings onto me, burying her face into my neck. She sobs, and I just hold her until she starts to laugh, peppering me with kisses as laughter tumbles out between us.

Shaking her head, she leans against my chest and looks around again. “I thought everything was falling apart when Margot got admitted to the hospital. I didn’t know what I’d do for the next ninety days. This is beyond my wildest expectations.”

“You’d better put those cinnamon buns on the menu.”

Ivy giggles, nodding. “I will. I’ll call them Luca Buns.” She reaches around to grab my ass, squeezing it with a giggle. “I feel like such a horrible person for saying this, but the fact that Margot is away for ninety days makes me feel a bit relieved—like I can throw myself into this bakery without feeling bad about it.” With a sigh, Ivy rubs her hands against her face. “That’s a terrible thing to say.”

“Sometimes, the truth isn’t pretty.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a kiss. “And sometimes, you have to take care of yourself—that includes your own dreams and your own aspirations.”

“You don’t think I’m an awful person for being glad that my sister is in rehab—or celebrity therapy retreat or whatever you want to call it—so I can start my own business? Because I feel like an awful person for saying that.”

“I think you need to take care of yourself. You’re just as important as your sister. You’re human, and you’re perfect.”

My heart thumps when I look into Ivy’s eyes. She thinks that I’ve done all this for her, but the truth is, I did it because she makes me want to do something good. Watching her take care of her sister has made me realize that I’ve been living my life in my own head. I don’t remember the last time I did anything purely for someone else, just for the sake of it.

Ivy makes me want to be better, and seeing the happiness in her face makes it all worth it.

Taking her by the hand, I lead her out from behind the counter. The tables and chairs haven’t arrived yet, but I spread out a blanket and pillows that I’ve prepared. Popping a bottle of champagne, I settle Ivy down on the blanket and disappear into the back.

I grab the picnic basket one of the royal chefs put together from the fridge and bring it out to Ivy. A smile breaks across her face when she sees me carrying the basket, and she shakes her head.

“You really planned this out, didn’t you?”

“I wanted to treat you how you deserve to be treated, Ivy. Make you see Copyright 2016 - 2024