Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,55

outbuilding, but when I blink, they turn fuzzy.

I’m seeing things.

There’s nothing there.

Ivy doesn’t have a boyfriend.

Prince Beckett shifts behind me, and I wait to feel his hand on my shoulder, his arms around me, his voice in my ear.

I need comfort.

I need love.

Instead, I yelp when something sharp pinches my arm. My eyes widen as I see Prince Beckett with a syringe, pushing some liquid into my body.

Trying to scream, nothing comes out. I try to move, but my limbs are too heavy. Words escape me. My vision blurs.

The last thing I see is Beckett’s ugly snarl as he removes the syringe from my arm.



Luca spreads a towel out on top of the daybed and then lays back on top of it. Our bodies are still dripping with water from the pool, and goosebumps erupt all over my skin.

I don’t know if it’s the cold, or the sight of Luca’s body that does that to me.

His eyes are hooded as he stares at me, opening an arm toward me. I snuggle in beside him, my eyes taking him in. All of him.

We don’t say much. The air between us is heavy, and a bundle of excitement grows in the pit of my stomach.

I nestle my head on his shoulder and watch as he wraps his hand around his thick cock. My fingers go on an exploratory mission of their own, trailing down his chest and tracing the outline of his abdominal muscles, and finally coming to rest on his thigh.

Without a word, the Prince releases his grip on his shaft as an invitation for me to touch it. It surprises me how smooth and velvety his skin is. My fingers barely reach all the way around, and my mouth goes dry.

It’s definitely going to hurt if he puts it inside me.

Gulping, I dispel the thought. Instead, I move my hand up and down his hardness, watching. His abs contract as I move my hand. With my head on his chest, I can hear his pulse speed up. With one hand wrapped around my body, the Prince makes me feel safe and comfortable beside him.

His other hand moves on top of mine, wrapped around his cock.

My heart stutters.

Heat floods my insides. My cheeks are burning, and my eyes are glued to the movement of my hand. The tip of his cock seems to grow right in front of me, and I suddenly have an irresistible urge to taste it.

When a bead of precum appears, I can’t resist.

I shift my weight and lean over his cock, taking it between my lips.

The Prince lets out a low growl, his hand splaying across my back as I kneel over him. I tremble, spreading my lips wider to sweep my tongue over his tip.

It’s salty, but not unpleasant.

I always thought going down on a guy was degrading. I thought it was a bit gross, and I didn’t understand the appeal. I never thought I would enjoy it. I never realized that it could make me feel this powerful, this sexy, this completely in control.

Prince Luca—strong, muscular, hyper-masculine—melts like butter in my hands. He moans as I move my mouth over his head, curling his fingers into my back.

I take more of him into my mouth, closing my eyes and relishing the taste of him. Heat pools between my legs, and I moan with him.

This isn’t degrading. It’s sensual and sexy. Giving the Prince a bit of pleasure after what he’s done for me over the past three weeks makes me feel good.

I want him to come. I want him to feel as good as I did. I want to do this for him.

A grunt escapes the Prince’s lips, and I feel his cock throb. Lifting my head up, I glance at Luca.

“Are you close?”

He nods, his lips parting as if he wants to speak, but can’t. His face is completely relaxed. He blinks slowly, dropping his gaze to my swollen lips. He moves his hand over mine again, and we slide our hands over his shaft together.

Then, it happens.

My lips part and my breath catches as I watch the white, sticky seed shoot out of his cock. He angles it toward himself so that it lands across his chest and stomach. Again, and again, and again, his cock throbs under my hand and covers him in cum.

I watch as it pools in the valleys between his abs. A streak of it dribbles down over his side, and I move to stop it with my finger.

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