Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,47

they bake. It’s comforting to be back in my kitchen, and I need to do something with my hands. I wash my mixing bowl slowly, replaying today’s events over and over.

The Prince’s gaze, his lips, his touch. My orgasm, and the way his cock throbbed when he came. I close my eyes for a moment, letting the warm water run over my hands.

I feel Georgie stiffen beside me, and I look over at her.

“Did you hear that?” Georgie’s ears perk up as she glances at the window. Giselle nods.

I follow their gaze, but I can’t see anything, until a shadow passes across the window. A large shadow. In the shape of a man. My heart starts to thump, and I gulp.

“Don’t you have security?” Giselle hisses.

I shake my head. “Margot sent them away. Said she wanted to be alone tonight.”

Georgie puts a finger to her lips, nodding her head toward the door.

I nod, wrapping my fingers around the rolling pin on the counter. I follow my best friends to the back door of the house. Georgie scans the room and goes to the fireplace to grab the fire poker and little shovel. She hands Giselle the shovel.

I nod to the twins and gently unlatch the back door.

My heart is in my throat. This is stupid. The best course of action would probably be to lock the doors and call the police.

I blame the twins. They’ve always been a bad influence on me. Both of them run into their problems head-on, bulldozing any obstructions in their path. Their parents ran the Grimdale Diner until they died, and the seven kids took over, working day in, day out to keep it afloat.

They haven’t accepted anyone’s handouts like I’ve done with Margot. They’ve worked for what they have, and they don’t take anyone’s shit.

Georgie’s lips tug into a tiny smile, and my heart thumps. Her blue hair is thrown up in a messy bun, and she grabs the hood of her black sweater to throw it over her head. Giselle’s lips are set in a thin line.

“You go this way,” Giselle whispers. “We’ll circle around the front. I think he’s just around the corner.”

I nod, and the twins disappear. They’re so quiet that even I can barely hear them—but maybe that’s because the only thing I can hear is the rushing of my blood in my ears.

Every step I take toward the edge of the house makes my throat tighten. I grip my rolling pin with both hands, closing my eyes for a moment to compose myself.

Whoever the intruder is, he doesn’t stand a chance against Georgie, Giselle, and me. He’s probably some paparazzi sneaking around the bushes, not respecting my sister’s privacy. She’s been locked in her room since we got home, and I can only imagine how tired and traumatized she is.

Whoever this douchebag is, he deserves to be beat over the head with a rolling pin and assorted fireplace equipment.

I count to ten, and open my eyes again. My knuckles have turned white from gripping the rolling pin so hard, and I inch my way to the edge of the mansion.

Poking my head around the corner, I see the slumped outline of a man leaning against the wall of the house. He has his head in his hands.

Retreating, I gulp down a breath. I stare at our backyard, gathering every last ounce of courage I have.

How do I let the twins get me into these situations? He could be armed! He could be dangerous!

I poke my head around the corner again, seeing movement on the other end. Georgie is there, ready to pounce. With a deep breath, I step around the corner.

Georgie must see me, because she lets out a battle cry. High-pitched and completely terrifying, she sounds like an ancient warrior trilling her tongue as she charges. I see her silhouette brandishing the poker high above her head as she sprints toward the man. Giselle isn’t far behind, letting out a battle cry of her own as she takes off.

I don’t have time to think or hesitate anymore. I just act.

When I let out a scream, the man is already turning to face the twins. Georgie’s pouncing on him, swinging the poker wildly as he tries to dodge her attack. He shouts wordlessly, and I scream in response.

I bring the rolling pin down on his back as hard as I can—so hard the man grunts and falls to his knees.

“Fuck!” he grunts, and my stomach drops. I know that Copyright 2016 - 2024