Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,227

those are things that I want. Bringing Cara back is asking her to sacrifice everything she’s ever dreamed of. It’s asking her to change her life plans to be with me, when five weeks ago, she didn’t even think she’d speak to me again. It’s asking her to hurt Luca. Even though he pushed her away and made her suffer, I know Cara would hate to cause him more pain.

As much as I want Cara beside me, I can’t ask that much of her. I can’t ask her to give everything up to be with me. I can’t make her change her dreams just to support me in mine.

What’s that thing people say? If you love someone, you have to let them go.

I never knew what that meant until now. I love Cara. In the depths of my heart, past all the jagged edges and broken pieces, there’s a warm spot carved out for her. I love her fully, completely, and eternally.

And that’s exactly why I can’t ask her to marry me.

My eyes flick back to my father. I nod. “I want to do it alone.”

Heaving himself off the armchair, my father hobbles toward me and pats my shoulder. “You’ll be a good king, Theo. Time to make you one.”

The days drag on. The next two weeks are spent in preparation for my coronation. It’s announced to the Kingdom, and the mood in the streets is jubilant. Dante and Beckett congratulate me, and my father seems to relax.

I made the right decision. Wearing the crown is what I was born to do.

Loving Cara doesn’t change that. Being King is a lonely life sentence, and I’ve known that since I was a child.

When my sling comes off, the doctor checks me over and nods in approval. “Good. You’ll need regular physical therapy, but there doesn’t seem to be any permanent damage. Your range of motion will be limited for now. Try not to do any heavy lifting. We can start your physical therapy tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

“How’s your lady-friend doing? I thought I’d be seeing her again.”

I frown. “You did? Is she okay?”

The doctor’s eyebrows twitch ever so slightly upward. He clears his throat before nodding. “She should be fine, Your Highness. Excuse me.” He bows and retreats out of the room.

A wave of nausea rises up inside me as fear rattles my chest.

Is there something Cara isn’t telling me? Why would the doctor think he’d be seeing her again?

Before I can spiral into my own thoughts, Dante appears in the doorway. My brother smiles at me, nodding to my shoulder.

“All fixed?”

“More or less.”

“Fixed enough to wear a ceremonial uniform and get a crown placed on your head?”

I grin, nodding. “I’ll manage.”

He has a tablet tucked under his arm and turns the screen toward me. “Here’s the security plan for the coronation. I’ve updated the software for the security cameras and had the chief of security put extra staff on. As you know, you’ll have to appear at the palace balcony. We’re expecting a couple thousand people to show up.”

“I’m not afraid of the public, Dante. I’ve been walking among them for years.”

My brother looks at me, frowning. “Theo, you’re going to be the King of Argyle. Everything is going to be different.” He holds my gaze for a few seconds, and then places the tablet on my desk. “Have a look through the plan and let me know if you want me to change anything.”

I nod, unable to speak. His words hit me like a slap across the face.

Everything will be different.


I’m no longer Theo, Prince of Argyle. I’m no longer free to go on solstice sailboat trips around the islands. I’m no longer able to take Cara to hidden villas and visit old soul singers. I’m about to be a king with no queen. A man at the helm of this kingdom with no one to rely on except myself.

As my brother walks out of my room, I let out a heavy sigh.

I love her, and I let her go.

That was my first act as King of Argyle. My first selfless decision. The first truly good thing I’ve done, and the beginning of a long, difficult lifetime as the ruler of Argyle.



New York is muggy. I miss the fresh, clean air of Argyle, and the soft sea breeze that sweeps over the entire Kingdom. Instead, my days are filled with smells of smog, car exhaust, and warm garbage.

It’s been two weeks since I arrived. Two weeks since I mailed the letter. Copyright 2016 - 2024