Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,208

into his thick hair, tugging him into me. He grunts, lapping up my honey and shifting his hand to touch me. When he slips his fingers inside me, I moan.

Whatever is going on between the Prince and me, I’m powerless to resist. I can tell myself that I shouldn’t do this. That it’s wrong. That I’m leaving as soon as it’s over.

But I’m lying to myself.

How can I leave? How can I turn my back on Theo? How can I deny myself the one thing that has brought me joy in over three years? I feel like myself for the first time since as long as I can remember.

Even before, when I was with Luca, it wasn’t like this. Electric. Frantic. It didn’t make my whole body feel like it was melting.

With Luca, it was just…expected. That’s what was supposed to happen.

With Theo, it’s more than that. It feels wrong, but oh so right. It feels like we should be holding back, but that only makes me want to give him more. Everything. Anything.

When I come, my back arches and my hands grip his hair. He doesn’t stop until I go limp, finally lifting his gaze to meet mine. A smile stretches over his lips as he lays a soft kiss just below my belly button.

“There. Good morning, beautiful.”

I mumble something unintelligible.

The Prince chuckles, reaching his hand down to his crotch. His bulge is unmistakable, but instead of letting me reach for it, he nods to the kitchen. “Let’s eat.”

For the next couple of hours, Theo is painfully out of reach. As soon as we finish our breakfast, the staff arrives at the villa to clean up after us. We get dressed and head to the waiting car, and are whisked back to the sea plane pier.

On the drive there, my fingers go on an exploratory mission over Theo’s body. He grunts in warning, catching my hand and bringing it to his lips.

“Not here.”

“Where?” I ask, frustrated. The privacy screen is up between us and the driver. We have at least ten minutes before we get to the pier. Ten minutes is long enough. I want to make him feel as good as he made me feel this morning. Maybe, selfishly, I want him to touch me again. His hands make me feel alive. His touch is life-giving. His kiss is magic.

He doesn’t answer. He just tangles his fingers in mine and smiles, waiting for the car to bring us to the plane.

Even when we’re in the air and I’m marveling at the water below us, I can still feel a whisper of heat coursing through my veins. Glancing over my shoulder, I catch Theo’s gaze. It’s full of heat and wanting, and it only makes my desire for him grow.

Still, though, he keeps his hands to himself.

This morning was just a tease.

When we land, Theo has a gleam in his eye. “This way,” he says.

“Where are we? What are we doing? How long will we be here? Should I have brought my bag?”

“Relax, Cara.”

He threads his fingers through mine and leads me down the pier toward the shore. From there, he waves away the car that waits for us and nods toward the town. “We’ll walk,” he says.

A bodyguard trails behind us, but Theo doesn’t seem too bothered about being exposed.

Narrow, colorful streets greet us. People stop us every few feet to take pictures and shake Theo’s hand. He keeps me close, introducing me to everyone that we meet.

It feels like we’re together. I suppose in a way, we are. But it feels like we’re really together. Like we’ll be together even after this trip is over.

“This way,” Theo says when there’s a break in the selfies and baby-kissing that seems to happen anytime he’s in public.

He leads me down a narrow alleyway with the bodyguard behind us. From there, we twist and turn through the streets and finally end up at a nondescript door. There’s no sign to tell me where we are, and no discerning features on the door or building. It’s just a brown door on a colorful concrete building next to lots of other brown doors on colorful concrete buildings.

Theo smiles at me. “You ready?”

“I guess. It would help if I knew what I was getting ready for.”

The Prince just laughs, pushes the door open, and we step through.



Being part of the royal family means lots of charitable work. Most of my life has been spent giving—time, money, attention.

It never felt real, though. Even though Copyright 2016 - 2024