Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,184

yell is ripped from my throat. The wooden spoon clatters to the floor as I grip my shoulder, agony making my eyes water. Tears stream down my cheeks as I inhale, clutching my weakened arm to my chest.

I can’t think about anything but the pain. Chef Alfred opens one of the cupboards, bracing himself against the movement of the ship. The sea is rough, even with the captain doing his best to weather the storm.

The chef pulls out a first aid kit and removes a sling, fitting it around my shoulder. Then, he cracks an ice pack open and nods to Cara.

“Hold that on his shoulder. I’ll get you some pain meds.”

Cara sits down beside me, her eyes full of tears as she holds the ice pack to my shoulder. I close my eyes, leaning my head against the back of the cushioned bench as I suck in a breath.

Cara’s floral, sweet scent filters through to me, clearing some of the pain from my head.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

I manage to crack open my eyelids and glance at her. “For what?”

“For doing this to you.”

I grimace through the pain in my shoulder, forcing a chuckle. Shaking my head, I lift my good arm up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

“That’s twice you’ve saved me,” I answer, staring into her deep, brown eyes. “First the boom, then going overboard.”

“And dislocated your shoulder in the process.”

“I’ll forgive that in exchange for my life.” A tired smile stretches over my lips. Cara strokes my cheek, her touch easing some of my pain.

Exhaustion starts to settle into my bones. The adrenaline is wearing off, and I barely have the strength to open my eyes when my chef-turned-medic hands me a few pain pills.

“Off to bed,” he commands.

I’m not used to being ordered around by my own staff, but I’m not in any position to argue.

Cara helps me to my feet, wrapping her arm around my waist to help lead me to the royal cabin where I spent the last night dreaming of her.

She fluffs my pillows and supports me as I lie down, smoothing the blankets over me. Deep frown lines are etched into her face.

When she stands up to leave, I catch her hand to stop her.

“Stay.” My voice is gruff. I know I have no right to ask that of her, but I can’t stop myself. I don’t want her to leave.

Cara’s eyes widen. In the low light of the cabin, her brown hair throws off deep coppery glints, and I long to wrap my fingers around it. She sucks her lip between her teeth again, and heat floods through my core.

I beg her with my eyes. I need her here. I can’t stay stuck in this tiny cabin, with this boat rocking me from side to side, thinking of how I almost lost my life. I can’t stay here with nothing but my thoughts, remembering how perfect it felt to have Cara’s body underneath mine.

Because even though I almost died, even though she saved my life twice in less than five minutes, all I can think of is how much I’ll miss her when she’s gone.

“Please,” I say, my voice scratching against my throat. I’m not accustomed to asking. I’m not one to beg. People usually hurry to do what I want before I even know I want it.

But I’m begging now.

Cara inhales deeply, and finally relents. I throw the blanket up to let her crawl in beside me, and she snuggles into bed beside me.

My heart thumps as Cara’s head rests on my good shoulder. I put my arm around her, holding her close as we both let the yacht rock us from side to side.

She holds the ice pack to my injured shoulder, and I focus on the weight of her arm across my chest.

My limbs feel heavy, and my eyelids droop. I hold Cara’s body next to mine, relishing this moment. She might be gone in a few days, but right now, she’s here.

Over the next few weeks, everything will change. I’ll have more responsibilities as I step up and become King. I’ll be fulfilling the duties that I’ve been preparing to take on my entire life. There will be so much change, but I feel ready for it.

The only thing I’m not ready to deal with is Cara leaving.

As I drift off into exhausted sleep, the last thing I think of is how good it feels to have Cara sleeping by my side.



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