Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,182

us as the captain lets out another shout, and I do the only thing I can think of. Throwing all my weight into it, I tackle Prince Theo to the ground.

Little old me, Cara Shoal of Argyle, throws my five-foot-four body against Prince Theo’s six-plus feet of brawn. I wrap my arms around his thick chest, pinning his arms to his sides. Putting all the weight of my desperation into the hit, I launch myself against him.

He yelps in surprise, falling backward just as the boom whizzes over our heads. It skims the top of my hair as we tumble to the ground, my chest crushing against the Prince’s as I land. A wheeze is pushed out of his lungs as pain rockets through my arms.

I’m pinned against him, with my arms stuck underneath his heavy body.

The boat rocks, and we tumble together toward the railing. His body rolls over mine as more panicked shouts sound. The captain screams something. I don’t hear a word of it.

The yacht heaves.

Theo and I roll.

The edge is only inches away, and the gap between the railing is too tall. We’re both going to go overboard.



I’d be lying if I said I’d never imagined my body on top of Cara’s. I spent the whole night plagued by sex dreams I had no right to have. Her arms pinned above her head. My lips ravishing hers. My cock buried deep inside her. Her soft, brown skin under my palm as her hands splay across my chest.

This is different, though.

It’s not so much wild, passionate sex as much as let’s try not to die.

The boom swings past our heads with so much velocity I know Cara just saved my life. I don’t have time to thank her, though, because I’m thrown onto my back by the rocking of the boat. Our bodies are wrapped around each other and we roll once more, closer and closer to the edge of the yacht.

Another wave tips the boat and I’m able to catch myself on the railing. I cage Cara’s body underneath mine before she can slip farther away, straining against the movement of the ocean as our boat is thrown around by the might of the storm.

Captain Withers yells something, finally getting the murderous boom under control. He locks it in place, leaning against the mast to catch his breath. The other crew member wraps the final bit of the sail around the boom and secures it with ropes.

I suck in a deep breath, dropping my eyes to Cara’s face. The terror in her eyes ices my veins. She puts her hands on my chest, shaking her head.

“That was scary.”

“Yeah.” I’m panting, my chest pressed against Cara’s.

I can’t deny that her body feels good under mine. My knee scrapes against the rough, non-slip surface of the boat’s deck, but I don’t mind the pain. It barely registers on my radar as adrenaline still dumps into my veins. Gulping down breaths, I slowly let my muscles relax and I loosen my hold on the railing post beside us.

Cara’s hand drifts up to my jaw, and she shakes her head. “That scared me, Theo. I thought you were going overboard.”

I don’t know what to answer. The yacht rocks underneath us, but I can mostly ignore it now. Another wave crashes on the edge of the boat, soaking us with cold water. It almost sizzles on my heated skin.

Cara’s eyes shine as she shakes her head from side to side, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. My eyes follow the movement, and the adrenaline inside me starts changing to something else. Something hotter. More forbidden.


I can feel her heart thumping. Her body pinned beneath mine. Her curves molded into my body. Her hands on my face.

“Sorry for tackling you,” she whispers.

“You saved my life.”

Cara’s lips drop open to answer, but the storm steals her words away. The boat rocks and my arm slips. I collapse on top of Cara, my head buried in her neck.

Is it wrong that even though there’s a storm raging around us, even though I almost died, even though I should be worried about getting inside and staying safe, the only thing I can think about is how good Cara Shoal smells?

“You two okay over there?” the captain calls out, slinging some ropes over a hook on the deck of the boat. I lift my head to look at him, giving him a weak smile and a thumbs up.

Before I can say anything, though, the ocean Copyright 2016 - 2024