Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,172

of it. I need to do something fun. Something normal.” He takes a deep breath, spreading his palms toward me. When Theo’s sharp, blue eyes land on mine, he arches his eyebrows. “I want to hang out with someone I’ve been friends with for years. Like old times.”

“It’s not like old times, though, Theo,” I say softly.

Something flashes in Theo’s eyes. He’s always been the quiet one. The dutiful one. But there’s a fierceness in his gaze that makes me pause.

He snorts, shaking his head. “What, because Luca had an accident and decided to turn his back on you? On all of us?” Theo scoffs. “We’ve been trying to reach out to him ever since he left for Singapore, Cara. Three. Years. He thinks he’s being some kind of saint for suffering alone, but he doesn’t realize how much it hurts for the rest of us. I’ve seen how much you’ve been hurting. He’s my brother, but he has no right to treat you like that.”

The truth in his words makes my eyes prickle with tears. No one has acknowledged how much pain Luca has caused me. My mother tells me I should just try harder to get Luca to come back to me. My father mostly just avoids talking about it.

I know what my parents’ unsaid words mean, though: my betrothal fell apart, and it’s all my fault.

My mother won’t get her ‘in’ to the royal family. My father’s sponsorships and business will continue to falter. Our family will slowly slip out of Argyle’s elite, and I have only myself to blame. I didn’t do my duty. I couldn’t close the deal.

I failed.

So, I’m leaving.

For once in my life, I’m not going to do what’s expected of me. I’ll leave my home and chase my dream. I’ll sing every day and pursue something I never thought I’d have. I’ll look for adventure. I’ll seek out the unknown. I’ll have experiences I could never have imagined.

But when Theo stares at me with those crushed velvet eyes, I hesitate.

Our solstice sailing trip is tradition. It wouldn’t hurt to do it one last time, would it?

For old time’s sake.

I didn’t think anyone understood how heartbreaking it’s been to watch Luca turn his back on me and be completely powerless to do anything about it.

Theo understands. I can tell by the way he’s looking at me right now. His eyes are asking me to come with him. To sail around the islands and pretend that none of it ever happened.

And one last time, that’s exactly what I’ll do. This sailing trip will be my final goodbye. My last look at the islands of my home before I leave on my first big adventure.

I try to gulp past a lump in my throat and finally nod. “Okay.”

Theo’s face breaks into a blinding smile. He crosses the room in three strides and wraps his arms around me, spinning me in a circle. I yelp, clinging onto his broad shoulders. He smells like salty sea air and a fresh summer breeze. His skin is warm under my touch, and it sends a tingle of energy coursing through my hands. When he sets me down, my cheeks are burning.

Prince Theo is the heir to the throne, and although we grew up together, I’m not used to touching him. I was always promised to Luca, and the other brothers kept a respectful distance.

Theo doesn’t seem to notice. He slides his sunglasses on and arches his eyebrows. “Ready?”

“Let me get my swimsuit,” I say. “Meet you in the car.” Excitement curls in the pit of my stomach as a grin tugs at my lips. I slip away from him, rushing up the stairs in my parents’ expansive home. Tearing down the hallway, I run to my bedroom. I take a bag out of my closet and start throwing things in it. A spare swimsuit, a change of clothes, a toothbrush, sunscreen—all the things I’ll need for a two-night stay on a royal sailboat.

On top of my dresser, my mismatched collection of shells and beach treasures is proudly displayed. I touch each item for good luck. Wrapping my fingers around an old, faded deck of cards with frayed edges, I smile. Then, I slip it into my bag. My heart flutters, and I fly down the stairs again.

The Prince is already waiting in the car outside, but instead of rushing through the front door, I make a hard left and move deeper into the house toward the library.

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