Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,141

go to the doctor on her own. Maybe we aren’t as close as I thought we were. After all, it’s her baby and her body.

Then, Margot takes a deep breath and drags her eyes up to mine. She nods. “Yeah. I’d like you to.”

“Are you sure? Because it looks like you’re in physical pain at the thought of me coming with you.”

Margot laughs, and the lines on her forehead disappear. She shakes her head. “I’m just not used to having someone by my side.”

Laying a soft kiss on her forehead, I leave her to her work and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I avoid looking at the haggard, hungover face that stares back at me in the mirror, choosing instead to take Margot’s advice and let the ocean cleanse me of last night’s overindulgence.

It’s still early, but the palace staff is already up and awake. Grabbing a towel from one of the pool attendants, I hook it over my arm and head toward the private beach near the palace.

“Sir,” the attendant says as I walk away, “would you like me to accompany you?”

I shake my head. “No, thank you.”

“But the King has ordered that—”

“I’m just going for a swim,” I answer, forcing a smile. My head pounds. “It’s a private beach, enclosed in the royal grounds. I’ll be fine.”

The pool attendant shifts his weight from foot to foot, finally nodding reluctantly.

I walk a short way over a berm to my favorite place in the entire world—the Argyle Royal Bay. It’s a sheltered beach, with tall palm trees lining a white, sandy shore. A warm breeze blows through the trees and I inhale deeply, ready for the ocean to cleanse the cobwebs from my mind.

When my toes touch the water, I jump back. It’s colder than I expected.

Taking a deep breath, I set my jaw. Then, I sprint. I crash into the water, diving down below the surface. The cool water shocks my senses. I’m alive. I laugh, breaking the surface of the water and diving back down again.

By the time I walk back out of the surf, I feel fresh, clean, and alive. The last remnants of last night’s drinks are washed away, and I’m ready for some food.

Life is good.

I have a woman that I love, a baby on the way, and my family is happy.

When I reach my towel and shake the sand off it, movement catches my eye on the edge of the beach.

Beckett steps out from behind a palm tree. My heart stutters, and my hands ball into fists. I drop the towel, widening my stance and setting my jaw.


“Your Highness,” he drawls, walking toward me.

“What are you doing here?” I scan the beach, wishing I hadn’t said no to the pool attendant. “We’ve been looking for you for months.”

Beckett barks out a laugh. “It’s been entertaining to watch you fail.”

“What do you want?”

“I see Luca’s married,” he says, narrowing his eyes. My heart thumps. Last night was a private ceremony. No one in the public knows about it yet.

Beckett must have eyes inside the palace.

I nod, trying not to let my fear show. “Yes, he is.”

“And you seem to be cozy with Margot LeBlanc.” He spits her name out, his lips twitching into a snarl.

Blood pumps through my veins as I stare at my half-brother. There’s a strange mixture of anger and sadness inside me.

Anger, because Beckett has caused immeasurable levels of pain for our family.

Sadness, because Beckett was my brother.

I didn’t care that we didn’t share the same father. He was my brother. We grew up together. Played together. Became men together.

He has always been my brother.

Just like Margot’s child is my child.

Beckett kicks his foot in the sand, sending a spray of it toward me. “How does it feel to have both Luca’s and my sloppy seconds?”

I freeze, staring at Beckett. My mouth turns dry. I clear my throat, trying to dislodge the rocks that have taken up residence at the base of my throat.

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Becket’s eyes glint. “Margot and me…” He trails off, arching an eyebrow.

“Margot and you, what?”

Beckett’s mouth curls into an ugly grin. “You haven’t put two and two together, have you? To be honest, I’m not surprised she would choose you as a partner. Makes it easier to keep it in the family.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” My heart is hammering, my ribs barely able to keep it contained.

“You know what I’m talking about, Dante.”

“I don’t.” Copyright 2016 - 2024