Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,134

for good. It’s one less threat we need to worry about.

Still, it feels good to be going home. As I slide my hand into Margot’s, I realize that it feels good to be taking her back, too.

I want to show her where I come from. I want to take her to white, sandy beaches and kiss her under the palm trees.

I want to take her out of that toxic, gossip-fueled world that she’s used to, and show her the serenity of privacy.

I want to treat her like a princess.

As she leans her head against my shoulder, she lets out a soft sigh. Luca has one arm around Ivy, with the other resting on her belly.

Both sisters’ baby bumps are growing.

For the first time, I really think about what that means. Bottles, diapers, vomit, chubby little feet and hands. Crying, giggling, and the wonder in a baby’s eyes.

Sleepless nights.


I never thought that I’d be a father. I gave up on the idea of sharing my life with anyone a long time ago. For the most part, as soon as women realized that I wasn’t going to catapult them into fame and society, they avoided me.

Or maybe I avoided them.

I resigned myself to the fact that I’d spend my days alone. I told myself that I’d be the fun uncle, and I’d take care of my brothers’ kids.

Now, there’s no doubt in my mind that being a father is what I want—and I want it with Margot. Even if the kid isn’t technically mine, it already feels like it is. I care about the child as much as I care about Margot. As the jet takes off, the realization that I love Margot hits me like a bullet to the chest.

I love her.

I love her.

I love her.

Margot shifts, lifting her head up to look at me. “You okay?”

I nod. “I’m great.”

We recline our seats, and Margot snuggles into me. The hostess on the plane brings me a fresh ice pack for my face. The doctor cleared me to fly, but warned me that I’d have a nasty bruise. I settle back into my seat and hold Margot close.

Luca glances at me, and a grin spreads over his face. He gives me a slight nod, and then turns his attention back to Ivy.

We found the LeBlanc sisters at the most unlikely of times, but they complete us in ways we never imagined. It feels good to have Margot—and it feels good to have Luca back, too. For the first time in a long time, I feel like my family is coming back together.

When we arrive at the palace in Argyle, King Theo is waiting for us. He wraps his arms around me and Luca, and then smiles warmly at Ivy and Margot.

In this moment, I’m grateful for Theo’s geniality. It’s what makes him a good king and a great brother. His smile isn’t polite and forced. It’s genuine.

I can see Margot relax as soon as he says her name. The palace in Argyle doesn’t feel like Farcliff Castle. It doesn’t feel like we’re hiding away from anything here.

It feels like coming home.

I lead Margot to my bedroom at the far end of the palace. It’s tucked away from everyone else—exactly how I used to live. She smiles, leaning her head against my shoulder and letting out a happy sigh.

“I like it here.”

“Good,” I say, laying a kiss in her blonde hair.

We get into bed and fall asleep right away. For the first time in weeks, it’s a deep, peaceful sleep. There’s no checking the windows and doors, no security reports to look through at the end of the day, no tossing and turning at every sound.

No nightmares.

Just peace.

Margot wakes up with a smile on her face. She grabs my hand and places it on her stomach, grinning from ear to ear.

My eyes widen. I’ve never felt a baby kicking before.


“I know,” she laughs. “It’s so crazy.”

“What does it feel like?”

“Sort of like little flutters.” Margot smiles, shaking her head. “I never thought I’d be happy about having a baby like this. I mean, you know, getting pregnant without being married, and with my life being upside down.” She takes a deep breath, glancing at me. “But it feels right.”

“Is it important to you to be married before the baby comes?”

Margot shrugs. “I thought it was before, but now… I don’t know. All that matters is that it’s healthy.”

A proposal is on the tip of my tongue. I’d marry her today, if she let Copyright 2016 - 2024