Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,126

in my life? Is it crazy that I’m really considering it?

Seeing Ivy and Luca be so joyous about their own twins makes me itch to have that for myself.

Besides the baby, though, there’s Beckett to worry about. We still have no news on his whereabouts, and he could pop up at any time and try to hurt Luca.

Then, there’s Hunter. Margot’s agent has a bone to pick with her, and judging by the interview he gave last night, it sounds like he’s out for blood.

I’m willingly inserting myself into all those problems.

For what, though? Why would I do that?

As soon as I push the bathroom door open and see Margot smiling at me from the shower, I have my answer. I’m doing it for her.

Joining her under the stream of water, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me so her back rests against my chest. Running my hands over her stomach, my heart thumps at the thought of the life that’s growing inside.

As Margot puts her hands on top of mine, it feels like everything in my life clicks into place.

I want her. I want the baby. I want to take all the publicity and the cameras and the invasions of privacy if it means I get to hold Margot in my arms at the end of the day.

It hardly makes sense to me—she represents everything that I’ve avoided since I was a kid.

But the heart wants what the heart wants, and I want Margot LeBlanc.

Spinning in my arms, Margot slides her hands up to tangle into my hair. She pulls me down and kisses me tenderly. Steam billows around us and the shower pours down onto us.

Our hearts beat against each other, and I feel whole.

I’m walking on air for the next week. Margot and I don’t go out much. Her publicist puts out a statement acknowledging her pregnancy, but we stay out of view of the cameras. We don’t watch television, and our phones stay locked away in a drawer.

It’s mid-November, and the holiday spirit is starting to take hold. There’s music and decorations and a buzz in the air. Or maybe that’s just how I feel?

In a way, my life in Farcliff feels just like my life did in Argyle. I spend time with Luca, Ivy, and most importantly, Margot. I keep in contact with Theo through email, and make sure the security teams are working as they’re supposed to.

Besides that, I make love to Margot often and wholeheartedly. As the days go on, we become more comfortable with each other. It just feels right.

A week after Hunter’s revelation in the media, Margot and I decide to go to the bakery to visit Ivy and Luca. We drive ourselves there, bringing only two bodyguards. The streets are quiet, and Luca tells me most of the media attention around Margot has died down.

Just like anything, her pregnancy is a juicy bit of gossip that will pass. The media will latch onto something else. Everything will work out.

We make it to Ivy’s bakery, slipping in the back door. Ivy puts us to work immediately and Margot smiles, throwing me a sideways glance.

“If there was anyone who can make you forget that you’re a celebrity or royalty, it’s my sister.”

“I never felt like royalty anyway, so I don’t mind,” I grin.

Margot’s cheeks are glowing, and the way she smiles at me makes my heart grow in my chest. I help her bring a few big boxes out to the dumpsters out back, and then wrap my arms around her waist. We’re alone out here, behind the building.

Stealing a kiss, I run my hands over Margot’s ass.

“I can’t wait to see your body change,” I growl. “Is it wrong that it turns me on that you’re pregnant?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s wrong,” Margot laughs, nuzzling her nose to mine. “Fortunate for me, though.”

“The thought of your belly growing, your tits getting swollen and heavy…” I growl, nipping at her bottom lip.

She laughs, pulling away to look me in the eye. “You don’t care that it’s not yours?”

Margot bites her lip, staring into my eyes. I can tell that even though the question just slipped out of her, it’s something she’s been thinking about for a while.

I take a deep breath, not wanting to say the wrong thing. “No,” I finally say. “I don’t.”

“That’s a big responsibility to be taking on when you’ve known me, what? A month?”

“I know.” I inhale deeply, pulling her closer. “I can’t explain it, Margot, Copyright 2016 - 2024