Royally Screwed - Lynn Van Dorn Page 0,71

by something heavy. “No. Off. I’ll rip them. Maybe later. We’ll see. But off.”

“Yes, sir,” Yuri purred. Still lying on his stomach, he inched the briefs down his gorgeous legs.

Angelo felt his mouth water at the sight. Once Yuri had the underpants kicked onto the floor, Angelo undressed quickly, then pounced on him. He kissed a wriggling Yuri from the base of his spine all the way to his elegant neck, which he bit after kissing. Yuri yelped and Angelo sucked on the skin to leave a bruise. “You’re mine, Yuri. That’s why I want you. You belong to me and you always have.”

Yuri squirmed so they lay facing each other. “I don’t have the right bits. You can call me princess all you want and I still won’t ever be female. I don’t want that. I never—”

“Hush.” Angelo put a finger over Yuri’s lips. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

Yuri scowled and huffed out a frustrated breath. “Look, what are you, even? Bi? You’re sure as fuck not gay, and you can’t be straight. Not if it’s me that’s turning you on.”

Angelo rolled his eyes then kissed Yuri’s sinfully full and luscious lips. “I don’t think I’m bi. I don’t find men, in general, attractive.”

“Oh.” Yuri’s face fell hard. “I see.”

“Probably not.” Angelo nipped at Yuri’s mouth then trailed his lips down until he got to Yuri’s Adam’s apple, which he licked. “It confuses me. I’m not really attracted to men. I am attracted to women. I don’t see you as a woman, yet I’m extremely attracted to you. I think it’s you, and you specifically. It’s always been you. From the very first. All that time we spent together, either in your kingdom or mine, then at school. At Oxford I really tried to break away, but that worked for shite. I swear to god, Yuri, all I see is you. I know every flaw you possess, every bad habit, and every weakness, and none of them matter because the only thing I see when you’re in a room is you.”

Yuri said nothing, but his breathing picked up speed.

“I don’t know what that makes me, or us, and I don’t particularly care. I want you. You want me. This isn’t a difficult equation. Not even for you.”

Yuri stuck his tongue out at Angelo. “Wanker.”

“Mm,” Angelo agreed. He bit Yuri’s neck then proceeded to suck a mark onto it to match the one in back. “But you want me.”

“Fuck me. Yes. But you already knew that.”

“Yeah.” Angelo cupped Yuri’s face. “It kind of scared me at first, you know. All that desire I saw pouring out of your eyes, even when we were too young for any of that.” He kissed the tip of Yuri’s nose.

“I developed early,” Yuri said smugly.

Angelo groaned. “Didn’t you ever wonder about the spanking?” His lips brushed Yuri’s.

Yuri pulled him down closer and deepened the kiss. After surfacing for breath, he said, “Not really. Only that I liked it. Like it. A lot, really. I had no idea until that first time, but you fucking blew my mind that day. I came so fucking hard.”

“I remember. It scared me. But I liked it, too. I liked knowing I was the one who made you come. I liked that a lot. So when you came back, I gave you more. And then, it sorta became a habit. It was the easiest way to touch you.”

“But all those girls.”

Angelo frowned down at Yuri. “But all those men.”

Yuri blushed. “I needed more,” he whispered.

“So did I.”

“You’ll want more again,” Yuri whispered.

“Not if I can have all of you. Can you do that, Yuri? Can you give me everything?”

Yuri bit his lip then released it. “Can you?”

“I’m damn well going to try.”

“I don’t know.” Yuri sounded close to tears. “I want you so badly, but I can’t imagine how or why you want me back.”

Angelo kissed the corners of Yuri’s eyes. “You’re beautiful. Have you seen yourself?”

Yuri pouted. “I’ve got no tits, a dick that’s hard to ignore, and my boy pussy is not self-lubricating.”

“Please don’t say boy pussy ever again.” Angelo tried to keep his face serious but he cracked a smile anyway.

“It’s not funny!” Yuri punched Angelo’s shoulder.

“It kind of is. You act like women and men are a completely different species. Nobody is exactly like another, but they’re still very much alike, regardless of gender. You are sexy. I find you sexy. Except when you say boy pussy.” Angelo dipped his head down to kiss Copyright 2016 - 2024