Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,66

the other men checking their weapons filled the interior of the vehicle. He did trust all of the men with him, as did Cosmo. They were a team and had been for what seemed their entire lives. After they’d been freed from their hells, Cosmo had made them finish school, which was easy since they’d all had tutors, then they’d each joined the military. Roq wasn’t surprised when one by one they’d all followed him. Becoming a SEAL had saved his sanity, giving him an outlet where he could make a difference and hone his body into a machine. At over six and a half feet tall, he didn’t think there was a lot of things he was cut out for, but he’d excelled at being a SEAL, and then Cosmo had created a security firm, pulling him and the others out. If not, he was sure he would’ve become a criminal or a killer. Not that he’d have killed innocent people, but he’d have found those who deserved it and loved every second of ending their lives.

He always thought that had been Cosmo’s fear, worrying they’d go rogue and kill anyone and everything, or some shit, but none of them were that unhinged. They’d have picked and selected their victims carefully, but luckily, they didn’t need to do so, since Cosmo gave them a legitimate way.

They rolled up to the gate outside of Hollywood’s drive. Seconds later, a platinum G-Wagon came down, the windows so dark he couldn’t see who was behind the wheel.

“Nice wheels,” Axl said, nodding at the ride easing out of the gate.

Roq rolled his window down as the other vehicle pulled next to them, the driver’s window coming down to show Hollywood wearing a pair of shades. “Cannon is going to hang back and keep an eye on the property.” Roq pointed over his right shoulder.

“Did you see anyone on your drive over?” Hollywood looked straight ahead.

He couldn’t see the other man’s eyes, but he was sure he was looking around to see if he saw anything out of the ordinary.

“No just want to make sure we cover all our bases. Cosmo indicated you and your girl were friends and wanted us to do what we could to ensure we did what we could to keep you both safe.” He hid his grin as the other man turned his head toward him, tilted his shades down and pinned him with those eerie blue eyes. Roq had no doubt he was looking at a stone-cold killer. He liked Hollywood, admired the fact he could stare him in the eyes and not hide who he was either.

“Hmm, that’s nice. Let’s go. Cannon, my girl has instructions not to open the door for anyone so don’t even try it. Nothing against you, but she’s got explicit instructions to shoot first, ask questions last.”

Cannon slid out of the SUV, a humorless smile on his face. “No problem. I don’t like talking to most people. See you when I see you.”

They watched him jog up the hill, disappearing into the trees.

“Let’s roll. You lead and we’ll follow. Here,” Roq said, tossing a small earpiece into the other vehicle.

Hollywood looked at the little device, then slid it into his right ear.

“That way we can communicate without calling one another. Everyone is mic’d up.”

With a wave, Hollywood pulled away, heading toward his mother’s home. Roq looked up toward the place he’d seen Cannon enter. Hollywood’s property was protected by a fence that appeared to be twelve to fifteen feet high. If he was to guess, the top of the fence wasn’t your average run of the mill fencing but razor wire that had been cleverly disguised. Anybody out fucking around the property would get a real nice welcome if they tried to scale it. Luckily for them, Cannon wouldn’t be stupid enough to do anything that dumb, he hoped.

Chapter Eleven

TALENA PACED AROUND Hollywood’s home. No, it was their home. He’d made sure to make it a point to call it theirs every time he mentioned the word home. She didn’t feel as if it was hers, not with nothing of her own there. However, she could see herself living there. Already she had ideas of where she’d change certain things, if he’d let her. She bit her lip, worry filling her, making her stomach roll.

“How can I be thinking about silly things when things like Louis contacting my mother are going on?” She paced the length of the living and open floor Copyright 2016 - 2024