Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,33

move like ghosts, but the two men who were literally right next to him made not a sound, nor did they even stir the air. If he hadn’t known they’d been there, he’d have wondered if he’d been mistaken.

“They’ll know if they’re homeless or not shortly. Keys, you find what you need? I don’t like sitting out here like this for so long.”

“Dammit there’s no CCV feeds anywhere inside there.” Keys waved his hand toward the area they knew Talena to be.

Hollywood shrugged. “I guess we go in and see what’s what. If you don’t want to go, I understand, brother. You got a kid and an ole lady to go home to. I promise, no hard feelings. As a matter of fact, I think it’s best you head on back and let King know...shit, just be prepared for anything. I don’t want you or any of you to get into any shit because of me and mine.”

Before Keys could argue, a pearl white SUV pulled up. The tinted window on the passenger side came down soundlessly. “I can’t believe you were going to have fun and not invite me. By the way, Digger’s behind me with a cage to load your bikes, since I’m pretty sure none of you fuckers want to leave them on the side of the road. Get your shit and hop in. My rig will get us in and out of anything except maybe a landmine. Although, to be fair, I think even that we’d make it out with a few scrapes,” Cosmo muttered, his left arm was draped over the steering wheel while he stared around them.

He shook his head, a grin tipping his lips up. Damn, it felt good knowing his friends, his brothers, had his back. Like clockwork, Digger and a prospect rolled up, jumping out of the big truck with the enclosed trailer attached. They helped the two men load each of their bikes while Ridley and Cannon did their shit. Hollywood didn’t worry too much about either man since they clearly didn’t need him to.

TALENA ROLLED HER EYES when Louis pulled up next to her Mazda CX9 in his Lykan Hyper Sport. He was her real competition in not only speed but everything else. His girlfriend was a real bitch who hated Talena because she thought Louis wanted to replace Rosalie with her. She could’ve saved the other woman a shitload of stress and told her there was no way in hell she’d hook up with the asshole but realized nothing she said would’ve mattered to Rosalie.

“Hola, Talena. You’re looking muy caliente tonight,” Louis said, eyeing her up and down.

Rosalie slapped his arm before getting out of the passenger seat, muttering something too low for Talena to hear.

“You need to be nicer to your woman, Louis.” Talena didn’t smile or encourage him in any way, never had. Nothing she did seemed to sway him from hitting on her either. The man was like a dog with a bone, or maybe a kid who wanted a toy he couldn’t have was closer to the truth.

“She’ll be back. Want to go for a ride and see how a true machine runs?” He lifted his brows, his words a clear double meaning.

“I’m good, thanks.” She looked at her watch, hating the fact there was still another twenty minutes before it was go time. If she had to sit next to him, his overinflated ego, and his too chatty self, she was liable to do or say something she’d regret.

Talena used two fingers to lift the window buttons on the door, waiting for them to come up completely before she pulled the keys out of the ignition. She never brought her purse with her to one of the races, knowing how easily shit got stolen. Pushing the driver’s door open, she got out, making sure she had her keys. Although most of the men and women hanging around could easily pop a lock and hotwire a car in less than two minutes, she’d never heard of it happening before a race when a car was on the line. Now afterward, all bets were off.

“Hey, chica, what’s going on? You want a drink?”

Talena smiled and waved away the offer from a group she’d partied with on occasion. Music blared all around. The tempo varied depending on which group you neared. She was hoping to find one of the popup booths that had been there the last weekend that sold scarves. She’d bought one but had Copyright 2016 - 2024