Royal Mess - Winter Travers Page 0,35

baby, I can worry about after later.”

“I’ll pay for it, Royal.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please don’t throw your money at me, Marco. I don’t have my hand out.” I didn’t mean to sound like I needed help from Marco. I was more than thankful for what he’d already given me and didn’t expect anything else.

“I don’t think that you do, Royal.”

I sat back in my chair and shifted away from Marco. “Then I don’t need your help after the baby comes.” I wasn’t a charity case. I had made it this far, and I had no doubt I would be fine. “Can we talk about something else, or maybe you should go get something to eat.”

Marco looked at me. “You’ll still be here when I get back?”

I chuckled. “Do you want me to still be here?”

He nodded. “Yes.”


“Yeah, I’ll be here. I don’t want to be lame and go to bed before eight.” Even though I could have fallen asleep right then and there.

“Two minutes and I’ll be back.”

I flitted my hand at him. “Go before there isn’t any food left.”

He reached out and brushed his fingertips over my cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

He seemed pretty concerned about me leaving while he was gone.

“He totally wants you.”

I looked across the table at Greer. “Not this again.”

She smiled wide. “Girl, that man wanting you is absolutely impossible to miss. A blind man could see it.”

“There’s nothing to see,” I hissed.

“She’s right,” Indiana added. “I tried to not notice it, but I did. He reached up and brushed his fingers against your cheek, Royal. Not every man does that.”

“I bet Frost and Apollo both do,” I protested. It wasn’t that spectacular Marco had touched me.

“But I bet you’d never had it done to you before tonight,” Indiana chirped. She grabbed her glass of wine and smiled. “God knows I didn’t have it until I met Frost.”

I believed that. Grit was not the type to gently caress…anything. “Well, I’m glad you have it now.”

“And I’m glad you have it, too,” Indiana parroted.

Greer pointed at Indiana. “I like you.”

Indiana looked Greer up and down as much as she could. “You’re pretty fancy, but I like you, too.”

Greer scoffed. “I look the part. None of this is really who I am. I’d much rather be in sweatpants and a tank top. I just know how to dress for the occasion.” Greer winked at Indiana. “Barge into my room ten minutes after getting ready for bed and you’ll see the real me.”

Indiana wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I could do the mafia wife thing. Too many appearances to keep up. I’m more keen to the biker life. Wear whatever the hell you want. Eat whatever the hell you want. Have a badass alpha on your arm.”

Greer laughed. “I have the last two. The dressing part I don’t.”

“Two out of three isn’t bad,” I laughed. Greer did dress a little bit fancier than Indiana or I did, but it wasn’t like she was draped in pearls and walking around in ballgowns.

She wore slacks more often than jeans, and she typically had on a sweater or cardigan. I’m sure whatever she wore was name brand and probably cost more than my rent at my old apartment. But she did always look comfortable. There was comfortable fancy and then there was fancy where you looked like you would break or crack if you looked the wrong way.

“I’m sure Marco wouldn’t care what you wore.” Greer laughed. “And I’m pretty sure if anyone said one word against you they wouldn’t be able to get another one out before Marco has his Italian loafers up their ass.”

Indiana wagged her finger at Greer and laughed. “I like you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Marco isn’t putting his foot up anyone’s ass because there is nothing going on between us.”

Greer and Indiana eyed each other knowingly.

“I was the same way with Frost. If his attraction was a snake, it would have to bite me before I realized he liked me.” Indiana tsked. “You were the one who had all those words of wisdom for me about Frost.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s much easier to see what is going on with other people than it is yourself. And all I told you was that I could see that you two were in love.”

“Then I guess you need to listen to Indiana and me because Marco wants you.” Greer leaned toward me. “Bad.”

“I am nine months pregnant, ready to pop a baby out of my vagina. Copyright 2016 - 2024