Royal Line (Tattered Royals #1) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,78

forced into anything.”

I met Roman’s gaze, elation and something else twisting inside me. Something had happened, something I didn’t know. Something that had passed between my brothers.

“What did you give up, Roman?” I asked, my voice quiet.

He just gave me a tight smile and shook his head. “Nothing that wasn’t easily given,” he said softly.

“Can you take it back?” I blurted, and Kannon squeezed my hand.

“Why would we want to?” Roman asked softly. Almost too softly.

“We’re pregnant. We’re having a baby.”

Wilder took a step back, while Breck just blinked and burst out laughing.

But I saw the look on Roman’s face.

The look of shock and something else. His jaw tensed ever so slightly, but then he smiled, and his eyes filled with some emotion I couldn’t read.

Something had happened, and I didn’t know what to do.

But instead of saying anything, he set his drink down, took three strides closer to me, and cupped my face.

“My baby sister’s having a baby of her own. Congratulations.” Then he kissed my forehead and looked up at Kannon. “I’ll kill you if you hurt her.”

“We know where to hide the bodies,” Wilder said.

“And I’m good at driving a getaway car,” Breck added.

“Really? This is what you’re going to talk about over our announcement?” I asked, exasperated.

“They’re your brothers; it’s what I expected,” Kannon said. Then my brothers hugged me and congratulated Kannon while giving him a dirty look.

Yes, an engagement would have to come soon, but not tonight. Tonight I was with my family and Kannon, and the baby growing in my womb.

I had never known if I was ready to be a mother, and now I would only have a few more months to figure it out.

But in the end, I had Kannon, and I was so excited to see what would happen.

I’d found my happiness, and not just with Kannon, not just in the future of our child.

But in who I could be and who I could rely on.

I was the Princess of Alden, the love of Kannon’s life. I was London Waterford. And I was happy.



Always a commoner. Never a Princess.

Just how I like it.

For a while, I honestly hadn’t thought the two lovebirds in front of me would be able to get their shit together.

As I watched Kannon and London waltz across the ballroom, I couldn’t help but get the warm fuzzies. Not that I was particularly one for warm fuzzy feelings, but if anyone deserved that kind of love, it was Kannon. And London. True to her word, she had made him grovel. Which I was all about. She was good for him and kept him on his toes.

The best thing about their union was that it meant that Kannon Security was going international. Kannon wanted to open offices in Alden, and eventually, Paris. Which meant more staff. It also meant I was required to train said staff, meaning more travel for me.

I didn’t hate that one bit. Some thought that perhaps Kannon would become lead security for the royal family, and that might occur later, but for now, it was all about compromise and finding what worked for the two of them. London was moving to Los Angeles where we were based. LA could serve just as well as a launching point for photography assignments as Alden could, and I was thrilled to have her close. We’d get to hang out more, and I’d have estrogen in my life again. And since Rian was often in LA for work, I’d get some quality girl time. Not quite as much hanging out with the boys at the weekly poker game. I hadn’t realized until we’d been hanging out recently that I’d desperately missed girl time.

I glanced around the ballroom, looking for Rian to say goodnight. The ceremony had been the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, held in the gardens surrounded by flowers and overlooking the ocean. And the reception was the kind of fun you read about in magazines. Champagne flowed, and they had one of the hottest DJs from the Ibiza circuits do their reception. Not that Kannon had any idea who he was, but he’d been a present from Rian, who refused to have bad, boring music at the reception.

However, my feet were killing me. And though the doctor had cleared me for duty, I still had to take it easy. My side was healing well, but every now and then, if I overdid it or stood too long, I got fatigued.

When I found Rian, she was Copyright 2016 - 2024