Royal Line (Tattered Royals #1) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,66

hands up. “Happy?”

“What do you think? Put down the pliers, please.”

She looked like she might want to jab London in the eye with them, but she didn’t get the opportunity. London pushed to her feet, and with an open palm, she slammed her hand straight into her aunt’s nose.

The older woman staggered back and howled. “What? How dare you?”

“You’re lucky I didn’t use a closed fist. You forgot Breck and Wilder taught me how to fight.”

London staggered on her feet, but I held her steady as Rebecca tried to gain her footing. Blood spurted out of her nose, leaving vermillion spots on the pristine turquoise jacket of her suit. “Why couldn’t you just do as you were told, London?”

London straightened her shoulders. “And why couldn’t you not be a bitch?”

I eased forward with the zip ties, rolled Rebecca over, and then tied her wrists together. Then I lifted her gently and placed her on one of the seats. It was only then that I turned my whole attention to London. She was shaking on her feet, and I held her to me. “You’re okay. You’re okay.”

“Oh my God, Sparrow. They hurt Sparrow. I think they brought her with us, but I don’t know where she is, and—”

“It’s okay. Olly has her.”

“How did you know where to even find me?’

“One of the shoes that Sparrow brought you, there was a tracker in it.”

She pulled back and blinked at me. “Wait, the same trick that whoever was following me used, you used that on me?”

I shrugged. “It’s effective. No one ever checks the shoes.”

She chaffed out a breath and tried to pull back from me, but I held tight. “I was so scared when I realized you were gone. I was terrified.”

“We don’t have to do this now, Kannon. I’m just—I just want to sleep.”

I eased her back and ran my hands over her hair, tucking several wayward strands behind her ear. “I know. I just want you to know I love you. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said. The truth is I am scared to death. I met you only days ago, not even a week, and to already feel this way is terrifying to say the least. I should have never let you walk out. The last thing I want is to let you go.”

Sobbing, she sank into me, and I held her, vowing to myself that I would do everything in my power to keep her close.

Chapter 18


Running away is the best chance to survive.

I would never be able to get the sight of London, hurt and looking so fucking scared, out of my mind.

Until the end of my days, the sound of her voice as she’d almost been killed would forever be entwined with that of Phoebe’s.

I had lost my wife, my unborn child, and I had almost lost London.

I hated that feeling, like I was the common denominator. I was the one who hadn’t been strong enough to protect Phoebe, to protect our child. And I’d nearly not been strong enough to protect London.

My hands fisted as I waited for Olly to finish working on my arm. It was a nasty slice, but I’d live. Sparrow had fought like the champ she was. She had a knot on the back of her head and some cuts and bruises from the scuffle by the cabanas. But the blood we’d found wasn’t all hers. She’d managed to stab one of the men who’d taken her and London, but had taken a knife to the side. Thankfully it hadn’t hit any major organs.

Olly nodded down at me. “Okay, boss, you should probably go see a doctor, but I know you want to get your girl home first.”

I looked up at Olly and narrowed my eyes. “She’s not my girl.”

“Funny how usually the first thing out of your mouth is you don’t need a damn doctor, but this time it’s about the girl.”

“You’re lucky I like you, or I’d kick your ass right now.”

“Kannon, you’re bruised, bloody, and I’m pretty sure Sparrow could kick your ass.”

“I heard that,” Sparrow yelled from the other side of the room.

“Are you done?” I asked.

“I am. You can go see your... You can go see the princess,” Olly backtracked.

I ignored him, nodded, and got up, wincing as I pulled on the bandage.

I’d been lucky. I knew that, but it still didn’t mean I enjoyed bleeding like a stuck pig.

I’d go to the doctor if I felt like it, but most likely, I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024