Royal Line (Tattered Royals #1) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,6

one I hadn’t heard in far too long.

“Listen to what?” I asked carefully.

“London, if you run off and chase your dreams and neglect your duties, you’ll lose your throne. And Roman, you’ll lose everything.”

Chapter 2


Royal lines never fade. Memories do.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Aunt Rebecca?” Roman’s voice boomed, causing it to echo off of the walls in his study. It was unusual that my brother lost his temper. He was always so self-contained. This was the first time I’d seen absolute fury on his face.

Our aunt didn’t cower though. She stood her ground and lifted her chin. The trembling in her hands was the only thing that belied her fear. “Don’t shoot the messenger, Roman. I’m sorry to interrupt, but you need to know this because I’m trying to help.”

Her words seemed to calm Roman down, and I stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

He tried again. “Sorry, Aunt Rebecca. What’s going on?”

She patted my hand. “London, sweetheart, I’m sorry to do this on your birthday, but I’ve only just been made aware of it.” Her gaze flickered around to meet each of ours. “An emergency appeal was brought to the council tonight.”

Roman’s voice was still tight. “What kind of emergency appeal?”

Aunt Rebecca licked her lips, her makeup so expertly done it almost masked the lines around her mouth. “There is an obscure law that has never been used before until now. The law states that there must be a child born to the royal line before the last child in that line reaches thirty. I’m so sorry, darlings. You know I’d never want to see this happen to any of you. I love you all so much.”

A nervous laugh bubbled out of my throat. “What? That’s ridiculous.”

“I agree,” Aunt Rebecca said. “But it’s one of those things that was likely brought about to enforce alliances with neighboring kingdoms to ensure that there was always new royal blood.” At my stricken expression, she squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

My brother Wilder shook his head. “No, there’s no way. How in the world did this happen, and why didn’t we know?” He tilted his chin up at Roman. “You’re the king. Change the rule.”

Roman’s expression was tight, and the muscle in his jaw ticked. “You know full well I can’t just change a law. It requires the Council of Lords to vote. And they’re not due to meet for another month. Obviously, London has just turned twenty-nine. That gives us a year to figure out what to do.”

What the hell were they talking about? No way could they be entertaining any of this. A hysterical laugh bubbled up. “You guys, what the hell am I supposed to do if you can’t get the law changed? Get married, get knocked up, and have a baby just so you lot can rule? No, thank you.”

Aunt Rebecca took both my hands. “Look, it’s not going to come to that, okay? I have a plan. First, we’ll go to the Council of Lords like your brother said, okay?”

The squeeze of her hands was soothing. Calming. Ever since Mom died, Aunt Rebecca had stepped up so often to help, to keep me calm. Growing up in a family of men was difficult. But she was always there. “Look, I will make this right, okay?”

From the corner, Breck watched us all. “This is bullshit. You can’t make London have a baby. Her womb isn’t up for auction.”

Aunt Rebecca turned to him. “I know that. And you know that. But the laws are the laws, and we still need the Council of Lords to change them.”

Roman rubbed his jaw. “All right. Aunt Rebecca, can you convene an emergency council meeting? We need to resolve this quickly.”

“Yes, I will. But also, I have another solution.”

Roman’s brows drew down. “What do you mean?”

“Well, just in case, we can help London find someone.”

Breck snorted. “Have you met London? Her dating life is a disaster under the best of circumstances. What? You’re going to find a ready-made royal somewhere who is her type? Which means, really, too pretty to be useful for anything. He has to be eccentric and quirky and like going on adventures with her. Oh, and we have to approve of him. Good luck, Auntie.”

Aunt Rebecca released my hands and crossed her arms. “Well, are you offering a solution? I have someone London could meet. She’s actually met him once or twice already. He’s lovely. You spoke to him tonight, even.”

Roman’s eyes went wide. “You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024