Royal Line (Tattered Royals #1) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,50

leave their laptop open around. He’d poke around, access your bank accounts, and generally just dick around. Luckily, he was on the side of good, not evil. So that was helpful.

I glanced at London. “Now comes the hard questions. Is there a husband or boyfriend that we need to worry about?”

Her eyes went wide. “A husband? No. Didn’t I just tell you—?”

I shook my head, cutting her off. “Maybe you had a boyfriend. Someone who’s not so happy about the new arrangement. Maybe you’re seeing someone you’re not supposed to be seeing? A commoner or something?”

Her eyes narrowed to slits. “Really? This is what we’re doing?”

I shrugged. “I’m sorry. We have to ask these questions.” I wasn’t sorry at all. I was pissed the fuck off. She’d walked out on me without a damn explanation.

Her lifted brow told me that I didn’t have to ask her questions like this. “No. The last boyfriend I had was six months ago. He dumped me because I was too focused on my career. I think he thought that I’d be more of a partygoer. More of a princess’s princess. So he found me lacking. Other than him, I’ve had a few other boyfriends, but those relationships have been over for ages. No one has any scandalous game.”

“Thank you for letting us know, but we’ll double-check.” I glanced between Olly and Sparrow. “All right, we have to figure out who the hell is after her. Leave no stone unturned.”

To London, I said, “Things are going to get a little more uncomfortable because we’re going to fully deep-dive into your life. If there’s something, anything you’re not telling us, now is the time.”

She lifted her chin. “I told you everything I know. I don’t know why someone’s trying to kill me. I’ve never done anything to anybody.”

I knew that to be a lie. She’d sure as shit done something to me. Somehow, in a matter of two days, she’d managed to wedge herself into a crack in my heart, one that I hadn’t even known existed. For my own safety and sanity, I needed to keep her at arm’s length.

A few minutes after our meeting, I walked by the sitting room and saw London sitting in there. I almost stopped. I wanted to talk to her. Ask her why she ran. Had I hurt her? I hadn’t let her sleep, that was for damn sure, but she’d been happy when we passed the fuck out.

So why run then? Because she’s not for you.

Under my skin or not, I just had to accept that. The princess wasn’t for me. So instead of stopping, I shut the door on my heart and kept walking.

Chapter 13


A princess never tells.

Thanks to Sparrow, I could at least work. And avoid talking to Kannon.

He’d clearly been pissed I’d left him in bed.

How would you feel?

I ignored the twinge around my heart. I’d messed up. I’d only needed some time to think. Then I’d been too terrified to go back to bed. And then, well, he’d been pissed.

Just where I was supposed to go from here, I had no idea. In the last three days, my life had fallen to complete shit. And I couldn’t breathe. Dealing with the flood of emotions around Kannon was too much to deal with.

You want him. Just say that.

I did want him. But I also had no idea where my life was going. I couldn’t examine what I’d started to feel for him.

Sparrow saved me from being in my head too much though. She brought me a laptop, and I was able to log in to my website and clean some things up. I was also able to work on a few emails and replied to the necessary ones. Olly said he’d set up a relay system, so I should be safe enough to not have my IP address recorded. I knew a little about what he was talking about thanks to Breck, so I knew enough to take it seriously. But some of it felt like overkill. At least I hoped it was. If I let myself think it was truly necessary, it would be hard to focus without succumbing to mind-numbing fear.

There was a knock at the door of the library, and I glanced up. Sparrow approached me with a smile.

I took out my earbuds. “Hi. Do you need me for something?”

“I just came to say hello and grab a book. These scenarios are often wait and see with a lot of downtime. And Copyright 2016 - 2024