Royal Line (Tattered Royals #1) - Carrie Ann Ryan Page 0,47

the way in one deep thrust. I wasn’t capable of coherent thought. All I knew was I wanted more. Needed more. The tingling started in my spine. I could feel bliss reaching for me, and I would promise anything to have it.

My hands slid over his shoulders and down his back to land on his ass. I sank my fingers into his flexing muscles, hoping to speed him up. “It feels so good—don’t stop.”

And then the chasing was over. The wave of bliss hit me hard, and I sobbed against his shoulder when I came again. Involuntarily, I clamped around him, shoving him right off the cliff with me.

His final few thrusts were peppered with swears and a tight grip on my hip.

“Fuck! Your pussy was made for me, you know that?” He growled it right in my ear. “It’s mine now.”


All I heard as the edges of my vision started to blur again were his whispered words, “All mine.”

I woke up an hour later. This time I knew exactly where I was, what I’d been doing, and who I’d been doing it with. I’d made love with Kannon.


Okay, we’d shagged. That kind of sweet thing that turns dirty quickly. Tripping you into a place that is too scary to look at.

I inched out from under him even as I told myself I wasn’t running.


I wasn’t. I was merely putting some distance between us as I used my brain instead of letting my lady parts do the thinking. I was not now, nor would I ever be, the one-night stand girl.

But didn’t you just have one?


That word. He’d said it like he meant it.

Do you want him to mean it?

That was the whole point. I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t want him to stay just to protect me. In his arms, I felt like I belonged there. But yesterday he’d told me that the greatest love of his life was lost. He wasn’t ready for anything lasting.

And I was fooling myself if I thought he was.

It was better for both of us if I walked away now; otherwise, I was certainly going to get attached.

Too late.

Maybe not. I grabbed my T-shirt off of the floor and dragged it on. If I could get back to Rian’s room and grab a shower, I could think more clearly and get some clarity. Falling for my protector was not only cliché, but it could only lead to heartbreak.

And nobody wanted that.

Chapter 12


One problem at a time

I woke up...alone.

Like a fool, my brain automatically reached for London, because like the idiot I was, I truly believed she would be there. But she wasn’t.

Did you expect anything else?

I sat up and scrubbed my hand over my face. The princess had gotten cold feet.

Apparently, no one had given my dick the memo. I was rock-hard, still able to smell her all over me. Her faint hint of Chanel Chance lingered, and I could still feel her satiny skin all over my body.

Part of me wanted to go and check on her.

Because you’re a sap.

But I knew better. I should have been the one to leave after what we’d done. Last night was just one of those things. And I made a mistake of thinking that connection I’d felt was something tangible. Something real.

It had felt…real.

I forced myself into the shower, even though I was hesitant to wash off her scent. I knew it was best for me. Once I was showered and, at the very least, clearheaded, I went downstairs in the maze of a house to find Sparrow in the kitchen cooking. She was dressed in her usual attire. Black leather leggings and some kind of graphic tee that I was quite certain was flipping me the middle finger. The T-shirt was expertly cut though. It fit her frame. Sparrow liked to give the image of being no muss, no fuss, but I recognized designer details when I saw them.

“Morning, boss. Did you sleep well?”

I gave her a non-committal, “Hm.”

Her knowing smirk said she knew exactly what I’d been up to last night. I was surprised she had nothing to say about it though. It wasn’t like her to hold her tongue. “Everything checked out for security?”

She nodded. “It was all clear last night. Only a few cars on the main road, but they all went to other properties on the street. Olly added a few extra touches, additional ‘eyes in the sky’ so to speak. Just in case anyone happens to stick Copyright 2016 - 2024