Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,158

will be huge crowds lining the streets, cheering and waving both the American and British flags for the marriage of Clementine and Christian. Victoria and Bella get out of the car next and, along with Liz and Roman, we will walk with Prince Henry and Duchess Arabella to the chapel.

I can’t help but shake my head. I’m actually walking into the Galilee Porch of the chapel with the royal family. Christian insisted I be seated on the groom’s side with his family, because I am family to him. Arthur said it wasn’t even a discussion point, much to Queen Antonia’s dismay.

“Your first royal entrance—are you ready for this?” Bella asks, moving next to me.

“What a smashing debut, to be the first non-engaged member to sit with the royal family at a wedding,” Liz says, grinning as she places her hand on her fascinator as the breeze picks up. “You’re making history today!”

My stomach is a jumble of excitement and nerves. I know I’m about to be judged on a massive scale, from my dress to my hair to the fact that I’m sitting with the royal family without being engaged to a member of it. I pray I don’t trip on the pavement as I walk to the chapel. That the wind doesn’t pick up and cause my fascinator to blow off or something horrible like that.

I decide to distract myself with what I do best.


“I think Clementine is the one making history,” I say, turning and smiling at Bella. “The first American to marry into the royal family is kind of a big deal.”

Liz laughs. “Two kinds of history being made by the squad, I love it!”

The car carrying Prince Henry and Arabella pulls up. I hold my breath. Not a word has been spoken of that awful night in Buckingham Palace. I glance at Bella, who is smiling brightly as she sees her parents, completely unaware that their marriage is in a horrific state.

My bright mood dims. Both Xander and I agree that this will not stay secret for long. We suspect Prince Henry will go forward with a divorce as soon as Arthur has fully resumed his duties, whilst the public is still in a favourable mood towards the monarchy because of the royal wedding.

“Are we ready to head to the chapel?” Prince Henry asks as he walks up to us.

“Isn’t this a beautiful day for a wedding? Just think, Christian and Clementine are following in your footsteps by marrying here,” Bella says, her blue eyes sparkling in delight at her mother and father.

Prince Henry clears his throat. I hold my breath, praying Arabella doesn’t say anything snide that would give Bella pause.

“Yes, well, we should get walking if we want to keep to the schedule,” Liz says quickly, before Arabella can speak.

“Yes,” Arabella says, her smile becoming cynical before my eyes. “I can’t wait to get inside and relive all the memories of that happiest of days. Where we swore till death do us part. Don’t you feel that way, Henry?”

My stomach twists into a knot. Oh, Lord, please don’t go there, Arabella. Not today. Christian and Clementine don’t deserve this. This is about them. Not you.

“I do love your dress, Bella,” Prince Henry says, smiling warmly at his daughter and completely ignoring Arabella’s comment. “It’s lovely.”

I hold my breath, hoping Bella didn’t pick up on her mother’s insincere expression or the way her father completely ignored the comment.

Bella blushes. “Thank you.”

“You will make the best-dressed list for sure,” Victoria adds knowingly.

I nearly exhale in relief, as Arabella’s barb didn’t register with either girl. And why would it? According to Xander, the York fireworks go off in front of one daughter, and that is Liz, and Xander’s family. We can’t figure out why, as they have to be sure this will eventually get back to Bella and Victoria at some point.

Unless that is what they want, I think. Someone else to break the news so they don’t have to.

I shove the awful thought aside. Thank goodness their arguments are one of the few things the Chadwick family keeps under wraps. I don’t want to think of that moment when Bella’s belief—that her parents have a solid partnership and marriage—is shattered forever.

But I’m not going to worry about that now. Today is about Clementine and Christian and real love.

And that is what I’m going to celebrate.

“I think all of you girls will make the lists,” Arabella says, going along with the topic.

I shift my attention to Bella. Copyright 2016 - 2024