Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,141

emotional support and to fill her days.

Xander returns with two glasses of wine, handing one to me.

“Good evening, Arabella,” he says cheerfully. “I’m so glad you and Henry were able to come to dinner to meet Poppy tonight.”

A look of pain flickers across her delicate features, and for an instant, I see Bella in her expression.

“Yes, it’s a miracle I could tear him away from other, shall we say, engaging activities,” she says cryptically before taking a massive gulp from her cocktail tumbler.

I remember what Xander told me about something being not right between Prince Henry and Arabella. Is he a workaholic? Bella mentioned how much her father loves to read when he’s not doing official engagements, that he will spend hours locked in his library, happily reading books and digging deep into history. Does he neglect his wife to pursue his own interests?

Soon, we are joined by Liz and Roman and Clementine and Christian. Hellos are exchanged, and as soon as they are, Arabella quickly pulls Liz away for a private conversation. While the others are talking, I can’t help but keep glancing at the pair and notice that Roman is doing the same, with an expression of concern on his face.

My gut can feel it. Something is not right in the York household.

I try not to stare too much, and I purposely ask Clementine and Christian how their wedding plans are coming along so I’m not tempted to do so. We all fall into an easy conversation, but then I see Christian’s gaze lock in on the doorway. The hairs on my arms stand up. I know by the look on his face what has happened.

Queen Antonia has arrived.

Christian takes a sip of his drink and lowers his voice. “Mother is here. And she’s with Grandmother.”

“Now the party truly begins,” Helene says, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

“Be nice,” Xander warns.

Helene sighs. “That’s so dreadfully boring. I see I’m going to have to find a new partner in crime. Are you up for the task, Roman? Care to take this old bag for a spin on your motorcycle afterwards?”

Roman flashes Helene a broad grin. “I’m ready if you are.”

Xander clears his throat and turns to me. “Let’s go get this out of the way and say hello.”

“Brave move there,” Christian says. “We’ll follow. Mother is equally furious with us for being traitors.”

“But she’ll forgive you faster because she gets to shine in your royal wedding,” Xander says.

Christian smiles wickedly. “But is that a good thing, being on our mother’s good side? I’m not sure.”

I would laugh at that comment, but I’m dreading this moment. How will Queen Antonia act? I plan to be kind and treat her with respect, but will she be able to do the same?

As I glance in her direction and find her glaring at me, I know the answer.

Apparently not.

Xander escorts me over to his mother and grandmother. My heart is thumping. The blood is pounding in my head. My palms are sweating, and I can’t do anything to stop this reaction to her.

Xander reaches her, and they exchange a kiss on each cheek. “Mother, you’re looking lovely this evening.”

I take her in. He’s not lying about that. But Queen Antonia always looks the same. Perfect, yet always in the same type of dress, same neutral colour, same chignon.

“Xander,” she says.

And that’s it.

I find my spine of steel and smile brightly at her. “Your Majesty,” I say, dipping into a curtsy. I rise and look her directly in the eyes. “Thank you for inviting me to dinner this evening.”


Xander clears his throat. “Grandmother, this is Poppy Davies, my girlfriend.”

“Good evening, Your Royal Highness,” I say, dipping into another curtsy. This might be a new record for me. I’m on curtsy number five.

“Oh, I know who you are,” she says, her voice brittle. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see my boys.”

Then she abruptly walks away.

My stomach churns sour. I knew this would be the price I’d pay, but according to Clementine and Roman, they received the same treatment, and they tried to play their game—at first.

While I know that, it doesn’t make it any easier.

“I need a drink,” Queen Antonia says. She leaves without saying another word.

Xander exhales loudly and rakes a hand through his hair. I can see from the expression on his face he’s distressed.

“Xander?” I ask quietly.

He turns and stares down at me. “You deserve so much better than this.”

I bite my lip. I hate it when he goes Copyright 2016 - 2024