Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,139

to be uncomfortable.

“Poppy?” Xander asks.

I blink. “Yes. I’m ready.”

As long as I’m with you, I’m ready for anything life throws at me, I think.

Xander leads me into the suite of rooms, and soon, I’m in a room that reminds me so much of Xander’s living room at the cottage. It has that same English country feeling running through it, with plump tartan sofas and equestrian prints on the walls. Lamps are lit throughout the room, providing intimate lighting, and the family is gathered around enjoying drinks and conversing before dinner.

I quickly scan the room. I see Liz and Roman talking to Clementine and Christian. Helene is talking with Arabella, the Duchess of York. I pause and study Arabella, a stunning brunette, with her hair falling in soft waves down to her shoulders.

On the opposite side of the room, I spot Prince Henry, the Duke of York, with his blond hair and blue eyes, and with a smile, I can see this is where all of his daughters have inherited their golden looks.

And talking to him is King Arthur.

“Let me introduce you to my father first,” Xander says, putting his hand on the small of my back. “He’s been dying to meet you.”

“Okay,” I say, trying to control how nervous I am.

Xander walks me over to King Arthur and Prince Henry. As soon as we approach them, King Arthur’s light-blue eyes regard me with interest.

“Father, Henry, I’d like to introduce both of you to Poppy Davies,” Xander says.

I immediately dip into a curtsy before King Arthur, which is made harder by the fact that I’m shaking, I’m so nervous.

“Your Majesty, it’s a tremendous honour to meet you,” I say, my voice coming out unusually high-pitched. “Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner this evening.”

A smile lights up his handsome face, but for a moment, I’m taken aback by the shadows underneath his eyes. How his skin looks pale. In all the images I’ve seen of King Arthur in the media or in print, he always looked so vibrant and athletic. But now, in front of me, he looks tired. I think of how many diary engagements Xander has taken on recently because of his fatigue, and now I see why. I’m troubled by this. Are problems within these palace walls wearing on him? Keeping him up at night?

I swallow hard. And did I add to them this week when I took Queen Antonia on and put an end to her bullying and scheming?

He extends his hand to me, and guilt eats at me as I give him my hand.

King Arthur warmly clasps my hand with both of his in an affectionate gesture.

“Poppy, I can’t say how delighted I am that you are here,” he says, his eyes twinkling at me.

“You are?” I blurt out, shocked.

Xander snorts. Prince Henry looks amused.

“Of course, I am,” King Arthur says easily. “To meet the woman who finally captured the full attention of my notorious son? I couldn’t be more delighted.”

“I see I’ve been upgraded to notorious. Philandering, playboy, immature, and now notorious? Father, you flatter me,” Xander says dryly.

“Merely keeping the adjectives fresh,” King Arthur teases back. Then he turns his attention to me. “Whilst we don’t have seating arrangements at family dinners, I do insist you sit next to me so we can get to know each other, if you don’t mind.”

Relief sweeps through me. King Arthur is warm and genuine. He doesn’t seem to hold any ill will towards me.

“It would be my pleasure, sir,” I say, smiling.

King Arthur turns to his brother. “Poppy, I’d like you to meet my brother, Henry,” he says.

I dip into another curtsy and rise. “Your Royal Highness.”

Prince Henry extends his hand to me and shakes it. “You’ve shaken things up quite a bit around here, haven’t you?” he asks, smiling.

I feel my face flame, and he laughs good-naturedly.

“Don’t worry, I fully support it,” Prince Henry says, raising his glass to me in a salute.

“I might not approve of the method you both chose with the interview,” King Arthur says slowly. “But I do understand the situation that drove it. It’s done now. And I prefer to move forward, don’t you?”

Relief fills me. As king, he could make my life hell. But he has chosen grace for Xander and me.

“I’m so grateful you see it that way,” I say to King Arthur. “Thank you.”

“We both are,” Xander adds.

“See? All is well,” Prince Henry says. “By the way, Poppy, Bella speaks very highly of you, and that Copyright 2016 - 2024