Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,107

deserve that much. Just as he does when I decide to say those words to him.

“I’ll tell you a bit of what you said while I make you something to eat,” Xander says.

I put those thoughts of love aside and move forward in the present.

“Oh, Lord, please don’t,” I groan. “I’m sure there were lots of stupid things said.”

“Not stupid. But intriguing,” Xander says. I watch as he retrieves a carton of eggs. Ugh. Eggs sound disgusting, but if he’s kind enough to make me breakfast, I’ll eat whatever he puts in front of me.

He must read the look on my face as usual, because he says, “Don’t worry. I’ll scramble these. You don’t need grease right now.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

“But back to the things you did say,” he continues as he begins putting things out on the worktop. “You wanted a lot of hot sex last night.”

My face begins to grow hot. “The desk.”

“You were trying to seduce me when you nearly took my eye out with the heel of your shoe.”

Die. I want to die.

“Then you said the oddest thing,” Xander continues.

“Like what?”

“Something about cod sex.”

I feel the colour drain from my face. “What?”

“At first, I thought you were going to introduce me to some exciting new sexual move, but after hearing your description, that’s not what cod sex is.” Xander turns around and gives me a devilish grin. “Darling, don’t worry. When I pin you to that desk and take you tonight, which I will do, I have no intention of flailing all over you like a fish gasping for air.”

My mouth falls open.

I told him about cod sex.

“I don’t remember that,” I say, shaking my head.

And no wonder my brain thought he said he loved me, I think. Last night is a big mental mess I’ll never sort out.

“If I had cod sex, I’d try to forget it, too,” Xander says.

I can’t help it. I giggle. He chuckles.

“I’ve never been that drunk in my life. I’m always so careful,” I say as Xander pours a cup of coffee into a white mug. He places it in front of me, and I cradle my hands around it. “I swear, I will never be that drunk again. Dare I ask what else I said?”

Xander begins cracking eggs into a bowl. “You said Camden was stupid.”

I furrow my brow. Nope, I don’t remember saying that one, either.

“And you were talking about shopping for a wedding dress, which I found most intriguing,” he says, whisking the eggs.

I gasp. “No.”


Oh, Jesus. I can only imagine what was going through his head with me proclaiming I loved him and I was going wedding dress shopping!

“Now, I asked for clarification on that one, seeing that I haven’t proposed, and that is when you pinched my nose and called me a goose for not understanding that it was a dress to attend a wedding.”

I pinched his nose?

I put my head in the heel of my hand, as my headache has infinitely grown worse in the past five minutes.

“I don’t think I want to hear any more,” I mumble.

“Drink your coffee, Sunshine,” Xander encourages.

I comply with his order, raising the cup to my lips and taking a sip. Ugh. I hate black coffee, but I get the point of it this morning.

“You have your meeting with the army families today, don’t you?” I ask, changing the subject.

Xander puts a touch of butter into a pan, which sizzles upon contact. “Yes,” he says, tipping the pan around to spread out the butter. “I’m picking up that one for my father as well. He’s not been feeling well lately.”

“How so?” I ask, concerned for King Arthur.

“A lot of fatigue,” Xander says, pouring the eggs into the pan. He sets the bowl aside and reaches for some bread, plucking two slices and dropping them into the toaster. “My father has always worked so hard, and I think it’s finally catching up to him. He’s had a few of his appointments diverted to me now that I’ve come on board as a full-time royal.”

I furrow my brow. But King Arthur is so young and fit, I think. I can see occasional fatigue if he’s travelling, but his schedule is getting relief with Xander and Christian stepping up. It doesn’t make sense.

I’m about to say more on it, ask if he’s seen his doctor, but Xander speaks first.

“Oh, I’m making you avocado toast to go with your eggs. It’s supposed to be good for hangovers.”

My thoughts shift from King Arthur Copyright 2016 - 2024